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Y/n's POV

It was the day of my father's funeral and Jongho and I have been at the funeral since morning, dark circles prominent below both of our eyes. "Hello, we're so sorry your loss." Hongjoong represented the boys as they came and paid respect to my dad. Jongho and I thanked them as we took a seat around a table.

"How have you guys been coping?" San asked, hugging Jongho as he rubbed the younger's tummy. "Bad but still surviving. Noona's having it worse." Jongho muttered, casting a worried look at me and so did the others. "I'm...I don't know. Still sad but what can I do about it right?" I shrugged, trying to put on a strong front. "Y/n-" Wooyoung was about to lecture me but I stood up, leaving to attending to other guests who have just came in.

I was now alone in the private room, staring at the framed photo of my dad as tears brimmed in my eyes when I heard a knock. "Come in." I sighed, eyes still fixated on the photo. "Y/n, I brought some food for you. I heard from Jongho you haven't had anything the entire day." It was Seonghwa. "I really have no appetite but thanks oppa." I forced a smile, turning my attention to him.

"You have to eat, Y/n-ah. Everyone is worried about you. I am too, very worried about you. Please, at least eat a little." He pleaded, eyes shining with hope as he held up the bag of food. "Please? I got your favourite soup." Seonghwa added a smile, making me soften a little as I reached out for the food. "Good girl." He smiled slightly, taking a seat next to me. Seonghwa watched me eat, eyes soft with a small smile.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked him, feeding myself another mouth of soup. "I'm just glad you're eating. I'm so sorry I couldn't be with you then, I was so worried but I didn't want to bother you." He answered, expression turning gloomy in an instant. "That's fine, oppa. You're here now, aren't you?" I smiled, sincerely this time.

"Your dad, he looks like a happy man." Seonghwa commented randomly, as he was now looking at his photo. "He was. He has never scolded me, well except that one time I played with a pair of scissors. I left a cut on my hand and well also cut off one of his favourite top's sleeves." I chuckled, sharing more memories I had with my dad when I was younger with Seonghwa listening to me intently.

"He sounds like an awesome dad just like he looks, I'm sure he's somewhere better now. At least he doesn't have to go through more pain." He said as his hand reached out to my face, wiping off tears that have fallen without me even knowing. "You need a hug, kiddo." Seonghwa smiled, wrapping his arms around me and whispering consoling words as I hid my face in his chest, letting out the last of my despair.

Yunho's POV

"What's taking Y/n so long?" Mingi asked, downing his cup of tea. I was about to volunteer to go get Y/n but Seonghwa won me, standing up almost immediately with the bag of food he had gotten for her along the way as he disappeared into the room.

I sighed a little, trying to turn my attention back to what the guys were saying. Tried...but I couldn't for minutes or maybe even an hour. I was curious, Seonghwa has been inside for quite some time and I was getting kind of restless because of it.

"I erm, I should bring these in for hyung and Y/n." I informed, grabbing two cups of drinks as I made my way to the private room. I peeked into the small gap between the door, chest tightening at the sight of Y/n crying into Seonghwa's chest. That should have been me...

I got myself together, using my feet to tap against the door to signal my presence before pushing it apart as the two pulled away from each other. "I brought drinks for you guys." I said, showing them the cups I held in my hands. "Thanks." They both muttered back, grabbing a cup for themselves.

Why is it every time I feel closer to her, Seonghwa hyung has to get his chance too...

another chap up! I might fast forward this story and end it soon tho :(

but pls do continue to support this book and I ^^

have a nice day/night everyone!!

~thedouble_a (5/10/20)

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