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Yunho's POV


"Yunho! Where have you been? Everyone was searching for you, we were so worried." All I could muster was a small smile and nod as a response to show that I was fine, but to be honest I was freezing, to the point I was shivering.

I stumbled into the apartment slowly, using the wall as support. "You're drenched! You should go take a warm bath before you fall-Yunho-ah!" That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out, falling into the arms of the person in front of me.

Y/n's POV

"Yunho-ah! Yunho?" I was panicking as the tall boy fell lifelessly onto me, barely managing to support his weight. Saying I was surprised to see him at my doorstep was an understatement, I was astonished, even more shocked that he appeared drenched and looking so pale.

It was when I held him that I realised he was burning up, the water from his wet clothes spreading onto my fresh ones. I practically dragged the giant into my room and carefully laid him on the bed before running off to get towels, my father's casual clothes as well as an extra blanket to keep him warm.

"Yunho-ah, wake up. You have to change before your fever gets worse, come on." I shook him gently, making him stir slightly as his eyes opened. I tried helping him sit up, hooking my arms around him and pulled him up. Placing the clothes next to him, I left to give him some privacy to change and to cook some food for him.

I knocked on the door, opening when I heard a small "Come in" from the weak boy. "Have some porridge while it's still warm." I said as I fed him the porridge bit by bit. "I've informed Seonghwa oppa about you being here so rest all you need okay." I told him as I brought the spoon nearer to him again, who was now frowning slightly.

"What's wrong? Are you having a headache? Do you need to vomit? I'll go get you some medicine!" I blabbered as I hurriedly placed the now empty bowl on the side table, standing to leave for the kitchen but I was stopped by him as his large hand wrapped around my wrists, pulling me down on to the bed next to him.

"Yu-Yunho? What are you doing?" I stuttered with wide eyes, his sudden action catching me off guard. "I'm fine, I just want you to stay with me, please." Yunho's voice was weak but his grip on me was strong, keeping me close to him as he wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder. I stayed frozen for a moment, too shocked to react, before growing flustered as I tried to pull away from the sick boy.

"Y/n...I'm cold and tired, can we please stay like this for now?" I didn't know if it was the heat radiating off of him or was I starting to blush as I felt my face warming but nonetheless I complied, wrapping my arms around him. The comfortable silence soon enveloped us as we drifted off to sleep, still in the arms of each other.

I woke up as the sunlight hit me, squirming a little until I felt Yunho hugging me closer to him by my waist. Oh my...I thought to myself as my face was now pressed against his chest, feeling vibrations as he spoke. "Stay." God, his morning voice.

Still not used to his sudden skinship, I felt my cheeks burning up again. "Are you feeling better?" I managed to ask, trying my best to stay calm as I looked up at his face, my hand on his forehead. What a relief, his fever had subsided. He hummed with a smile playing on his lips, burying his face in my neck as I giggled from the ticklish feeling.

"Thanks for letting me stay, Y/n-ah. You didn't have to." He whispered, voice muffled. "So was I supposed to leave you outside my door? I can do that now." I jokingly tried to pry his arms away from me, pushing myself up as I supported my weight with my arms.

"Nope, I'm not going anywhere and you're not too." He chuckled while pulling me towards him, making me land on his chest as he rested his arms on my waist. A wide smile was plastered on his face when our eyes met, his hand reaching up to my cheek as he brought our faces closer, closing the gap between us.

Yunho's POV

We were so near that I could feel her breathe fanning my lips, my eyes fluttering close  as the small gap between us was almost non-existent...and that was when Y/n's phone had to ring, making her spring back away from me as she rushed to grab her phone.

"Seonghwa oppa?" She answered, making me pout slightly at the name mentioned as memories of them together last night came back to me. "Why did that hyung call?" I asked once she hung up the phone call.

"Seonghwa oppa said they've come up with an idea for me to bond with Jongho!" Her voice was excited, plopping down next to me as I looked at her with my brows raised. "We can go on a short trip together! Of course after you're fully recovered." Not gonna lie but I was excited for it too, it means Y/n and Jongho gets to spend more time together but so do we; Y/n and I.

I have something to look forward too now.

hellooo hope you guys enjoyed chap 10!

leave a comment & vote too hehe

seeyall soon ^^

& gws to our dearest Seonghwa and Jongho!!


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