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Y/n's POV

"Why is she here again?" Jongho's cold voice made me cower slightly as all the boys went quiet. "I-uh, I made some food for you. Here." I spoke carefully after a moment of awkward silence, holding the container towards Jongho who stood unmoving. "I don't want it." His eyes were as cold as his voice even though he was directing hot glares to me, but I didn't want to give up.

"Please, Jongho-ah. It's healthy food this time, it'll be good for you." I tried persuading the boy who had his eyes directed somewhere else now, unscrewing the lid of the container and holding it nearer towards him with shaky hand as I took a step closer. "I said I don't want it!" Jongho's voice raised as his hand flew up to push the soup away.

However, my weak was grip and the hot soup had spilt on me instead, the heat making me scream in pain. The pain and embarrassment made it unbearable for me as my tears threatened to fall. Not wanting them to see me cry again, I ran out of the room as fast as I could before the first tear dropped.

My feet had led me to the park that Yunho had brought me to previously, slowing down as I let the breeze calm me down. "Y/n!" A voice called out for me from behind and suddenly I was pulled into a warm embrace. "Y/n, you shouldn't have just ran off like that, it made me so worried. Thank god I managed to catch up with you." Seonghwa oppa?

"Are your hands okay? Does it hurt a lot? I managed to grabbed a first aid kit on my way here, let me treat the burns." Seonghwa said as he pulled me gently to a bench next to the river where my eyes lifelessly stared at as he started to tend to my hands the second time that day. "Okay, all done." He whispered but he didn't let go of my hands, making me turn to look at him.

"Y/n-ah, I apologize on behalf of Jongho. What he did was too rude and he even caused you to be injured twice. I'm sorry." Seonghwa's voice was soft as he spoke, worried eyes fixated on my hands. I didn't want to speak, afraid of how my voice would sound like now after crying and being constantly hit by the cold wind so I just shook my head to signal that it was okay.

"It's okay if you don't feel like talking now and you don't have to hold in your feelings, at least not in front of me. Just let it out, it'll make you feel better I promise." His words gave me the warmth that I needed, making me bury my face in his chest and my arms wrapping around his waist as he sat close next to me. I could feel him tense up slightly, probably shocked at my sudden actions but he quickly reacted as he too had his arms around me and whispering comforting words to me.

Seonghwa's POV

I swear I felt the world had stopped when Y/n hugged me while she cried, she looks and feels so fragile in my arms. Her tiny frame fitted so well in mine and it sparked something in me; it made me want to be by her side, to protect her.

"I just wanted to do something for him, show that I care for him, that I love him even though I just met him...why does he make it so hard? I just want my brother..." Y/n's voice cracked slightly as she sobbed, breaking my heart further as I wrapped my arms tighter around her.

"It's okay, Y/n-ah. I'm sure Jongho will wake up one day. I'm sure he will accept you soon, okay? We're all on your side, rooting for you. That kid doesn't know what he's missing out on." I said, one of my hands stroking her hair and the other rubbing small circles on her back.

"Do you think I will be a good noona? Jongho will like me one day, right?" Y/n's round eyes glistened as the moon shone brightly in the now dark sky, her innocence made me soften as I let out a chuckle. "Of course you will. You will be the best noona and Jongho will love you for that."

After another ten minutes or so, we decided to head back to the company as it looked like it was going to rain anytime soon. As expected, raindrops started falling, making me take off my jacket in a rush and draping it above the both of us as we made a run for it.

"Ahhh, Seonghwa oppa! Wait for me, my legs aren't as long as yours!" Y/n giggled a little as she tried to keep up with me. "Oops sorry, I forgot you're (a)tiny." (a/n: sry I just had to.) I joked, sticking my tongue at her.

"Tsk, just when I thought you were nice." She grumbled, pouting. I grinned as I slowed down my pace, making sure that she was completely sheltered before we resumed our walk back. "So, am I back to being nice now?" I asked teasingly at her, amused that her now slightly pink cheeks were visible even in the dimly lit pathway. "Maybe?" Y/n mumbled, smiling as we brisk walked back.

As soon as we entered the practice room, the boys immediately flocked towards us with tons of questions. "Y/n! How are you?" Wooyoung shouted loudly to win over the boys, making all of us cover our ears as he just smiled innocently before looking worried again.

"I'm fine now, thank you and sorry for making you guys worried." Y/n bowed slightly before scanning the boys. "Where is Jongho? And Yunho?" She asked, a little anxiously. "Oh? Yunho isn't with you guys?" San asked with his head slightly tilted, making Y/n and I confused as we shook our heads.

"He went to look for you guys and he's not back yet."

hehet chap eight. is up

what a day today...road to kingdom live followed by Jongho's live *rtk spoiler below*

I died twice today but here I am now.

congrats to The Boyz for winning rtk!!! they deserved it so much

and jongho babie.

alrights bye for now!

~thedouble_a (18/6/20)

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