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Yunho's POV

The delicious scent of the soup hit me the moment I stepped out of my room as I walked towards the kitchen to check on the two but the scene made me stop in my tracks.

Seonghwa hyung was just inches away from Y/n and I didn't like it for some reason, even more so when he brought up his hand to her head. That's mine, I'm the one who always pats her head. I cleared my throat loudly on purpose to catch their attention and it worked.

"Yunho-ah, you're done?" Seonghwa asked as I entered the kitchen. "Yeah. You guys look busy." Okay, that came out sounding colder than I expected. My eyebrows knitted together a little until I noticed a band aid around Y/n's finger. "Y/n, you're injured? Are you okay?" I asked, worry filled me as I rushed towards her and grabbing her tiny hand in mine as I inspected it but instead she smiled saying that she was okay and I couldn't help but return it. Her smile had been my favourite feature about her, how it brightens up her face and my mood.

We were now on our way to the company, Y/n walking in between us with her head hanging low. Seonghwa hyung and I met eyes as we took glances at the small girl in the middle, both of us immediately picking up how nervous she was.

"Y/n-ah, stop worrying. The more you worry, the harder it will be for you when you see him later." Hyung spoke up first, nudging the girl softly. "Hyung is right, calm down. We can feel how nervous you are just by standing next to you." I joked, trying to lift the mood. "Sorry, I'll try." Y/n giggled softly, shaking her head. "Good kiddo." I laughed as I ruffled her hair, making her pout and glare at me before breaking into a smile again.

"Let's go in." Seonghwa hyung said as he pushed the door to the practice room open, immediately attracting the attention of the six boys. "Hi guys, you're finally here. We thought you've ditched us." Hongjoong hyung said, folding his arms together with a glare directed at us. "Oh, Y/n is here too. Hello!" His tone changing completely once he spotted the girl, making Seonghwa hyung and I complain.

"Why is she here again?" Jongho's cold voice made everyone quieten down, atmosphere turning awkward within a split second. "I-uh, I made some food for you. Here." Y/n spoke carefully, holding the container towards Jongho. "I don't want it." The younger's voice and eyes still cold as he glared at the girl.

"Please, Jongho-ah. It's healthy food this time, it'll be good for you." Y/n continued unscrewing the lid and holding the soup closer to Jongho, voice pleading as she took a step closer to her brother who had now diverted his eyes away from her. "I said I don't want it!" Jongho's loud voice echoed off the walls of the room, pushing the soup away from him.

His strong actions causing the still-steaming soup to spill onto Y/n, causing her to let out a scream. My eyes widened in shock at Jongho's doings, unable to react as Y/n's lips started to quiver. I glared at the youngest, catching his expression turn guilty and back to his poker face.

Before we know it, Y/n turned and ran out of the room. I was about to run after her but Seonghwa hyung had beat me to it, and all I could do was watch him go after her. "Choi Jongho, that was too much." San scolded the maknae, his sharp features morphing into a disapproving frown.

"Jongho, you better explain yourself. That was very rude of you, Y/n is your sister whether you like it or not. You have to accept it no matter what. Furthermore, Y/n has never done anything wrong to you so why are you treating her like that?" The leader said sternly, towering over the seated boy.

"She's not my sister...she didn't come for me too. They didn't want me." We softened at the words of the youngest, knowing why he took it so hard now. "Jongho-ah, it isn't like that." Hoongjoong hyung spoke again, but the perplexed boy stood up and made his way out of the room too. "Why is Jongho so stubborn?" Mingi mumbled while shaking his head.

"It must have been too hard for him to accept, the fact that he was adopted and his sister appearing suddenly all at once." Yeosang said, making us agree with it. "Still, he shouldn't have done that to Y/n. I wonder if she's okay." Wooyoung wondered out loud, jutting his lips out into a small pout. "I hope she is, at least Seonghwa hyung went after her." San added, patting his best friend's back.

Oh right...Seonghwa hyung chased after her. "I'll go check on them." I muttered as I too exited the room, jogging to the park I had brought her to previously in hopes that they will be there.

I scanned the area as I slowed down my pace, in case I missed them. A couple of minutes into my search and still no sight of them, it was making me worried and doubting whether I've come to the wrong place.

Not wanting to give up just yet, I tried searching further into the park and nearer towards the waters. Finally spotting two familiar figures from afar, I let out a sigh of relief and walked closer to them but once again the sight in front of me made me freeze in my steps, my fists clenching so tightly I could feel my nails digging into my palms.

what did Yunho see to make him jealous again?

~thedouble_a (18/6/20)

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