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Yunho's POV

Okay, I admit. I was hell, when I saw San and Y/n being that close together. Seeing them like that, I couldn't control what I was feeling so I decided to walk away before I actually lose it; I didn't want to do something I regret to the two who I treasure.

"Yunho! Yunho, wait for me." I could hear Y/n calling for me, her footsteps quick behind me but I didn't want to give in that quickly. "Yunho, what's wrong? Are you not feeling well? You were okay just now though." Her voice was worried and it made me soften, knowing that she cares about me but still I wasn't in the best mood. "Why would I be okay seeing you two so close...?" I mumbled and I took a peek at her confused expression. "It's nothing."

That girl doesn't give up and she was testing my patience as I finally gave up. I sighed, pinning her against the shelf as I lowered my eye level to hers. "Stop whining like that and stop looking at me like that. My heart can't take it without wanting to do that to you..." I couldn't keep it in anymore, her actions were affecting me so much and I couldn't stop staring at her lips.

"Do what?" Her round eyes widened and her face was turning red. Cute. "This." I whispered as I leant in, finally doing what I have been wanting to. I kissed her, I really did and I couldn't get enough of her, even more so when she returned it although she tensed up at first. I think I really love you, Choi Y/n.

Y/n's too cute, her blush returns every time our eyes met and each time she gets redder especially when I smile at her. Oh how I love teasing her. Currently, we were in the kitchen packing the grocery we just heaved back; we referring to Y/n and I as San ran off to bother Wooyoung as usual.

It was quiet as Y/n kept avoiding eye contact with me, making me laugh internally. I was about to speak but Hongjoong hyung walked in, braking immediately as he noticed the atmosphere. "Erm, hey there you two. Is there anything wrong? Why are you two so quiet?" He asked, walking towards the fridge slowly, his eyes darting between us along with his finger.

"Nothing." We both spoke at the same time, eyes meeting immediately and she broke it once again while turning into an apple again. "Yeah sure, whatever." Hongjoong hyung muttered, obviously not believing us but didn't want to poke his nose into the matter as he walked out with the same expression.

Soon, the sun has set and we were out at the backyard preparing for the BBQ. Y/n has been avoiding me the entire day and I did not like it, I have to talk to her soon but she was sticking to everyone else but me.

I was trying to start the fire when I heard Y/n's voice, I turned back to a view I didn't enjoy at all. Y/n and Seonghwa hyung were playing while washing the ingredients in the kitchen that wasn't far behind me, and my blood was all fired up instead of the coal.

"Well, Seonghwa hyung and Y/n looks like they're having fun." Mingi laughed, totally not helping the situation as I looked away from them, not wanting to look on. "Erm, Yunho? The fire is strong enough you can stop now. Yunho? Yunho!" I was snapped back to reality by Mingi who looked terrified of the fire as we attempted bring it back under control, mainly me doing the job though.

Does this girl still not know how much she affects me? Why can't she understand my feelings?

Y/n's POV

I couldn't bring myself to look at Yunho as the little moment we went through kept appearing in my mind every time I looked at his face...and lips. I would be lying if I said my heart didn't flutter at his actions, my heart was pounding so quickly I felt like I was about to pass out. His lips are so soft and warm.

Thoughts flooded my mind as I stole glances at him, his puppy like features as he concentrated on whatever he was doing. "Hey!" I was brought back to reality by Park Seonghwa who had flung water at me while we were washing the ingredients. I pouted at him before taking revenge; pointing the water hose at him, drenching him as he stood frozen.

"Oops?" I shrugged innocently, backing away from him as his eyes turned into a playful glare. "You're dead, Choi Y/n." he warned as he chased me around, eventually catching me. He wrapped his wet body around mine from the back, the wetness spreading onto my clothes.

"Okay, kids. Stop playing and go change before you two get sick." Yeosang said as he entered the kitchen with his arms folded and a judging expression, while Seonghwa and I laughed as we headed to change.

We started the BBQ on a loud note, as usual; it's inevitable when there's a Choi San and Jung Wooyoung. Jongho was at the pit with Seonghwa, grilling meat while some were messing around and others just sitting down waiting for food. We were practically inhaling the heavenly meat that was perfectly grilled as soon as they placed the plate of meat on our table, which became empty in an instant.

My eyes turned to my brother whose lips were pouted in concentration, a smile surfacing on my face immediately at his cuteness. "Y/n, go talk to him. Jongho seems like he's in a good mood." Hongjoong prompted as the others waved me towards him. "Okay, I'll try." I muttered as I stood up, going over to the youngest with a cup of cider.

"Hey, erm Jongho. Have something to drink, you've been standing in front of the fire for quite some time, it must have been really warm." I stood next to him, lifting the cup in my hand towards him. "No, I don't want it." He spoke, not looking at me. "Please, Jongho. The cider is cold, it'll make you feel better." Once again, I ain't giving up. "No, thanks." He was still not looking at me. "But Jong-"

"I said no. I told you not to disturb me, which part of it did you not understand? You're so annoying." He had mumbled the last sentence but I caught it, as he shoved the cider away from him and once again, causing the liquid to be spilt on me. Why does this always happen?!

I was so frustrated and my patience had reached it's limit. "Fine! I'm sorry! Sorry for being annoying, sorry for wanting to care for you, sorry for wanting to love my own brother." My voice was raised and my hands were balled into fists as I stomped away to the beach nearby.

I kicked a random stray pebble as I strolled on the beach with heavy steps, the crashing waves making me calmer. Finding a spot I thought would be comfortable, I dropped onto the soft sand and rested my chin on my hand while staring at the sea.

Why is Jongho always so harsh towards me? Will he ever accept me? I ruffled my hair, stressed as I threw a tantrum on the beach that I thought was empty.

"Woah, are you okay? Do I need to tie your hands before you pull your hair out?"

hiiii I am back!

sry I haven't been updating there's so much going on nowadays

ateez is cmin back so soon and I m not ready TT

also, sunwoo stay strong :( I'm proud of u and I love u no matter what

anyways stay tuned to the next chap!

~thedouble_a (13/7/20)

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