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Y/n's POV

I stood at my doorstep, frozen. What just happened...? My mind was failing me as Seonghwa's words kept repeating in my mind. So much has been going on recently; from Yunho's confession and now Seonghwa's.

Who and how am I supposed to choose? I sighed as I finally moved, walking into the dark house. After washing up, I plopped onto the sofa, staring at the blank television screen when my phone dinged all of a sudden, giving me a shock.

Giant Yunho:

Hey, shortie! Just wanted to thank you for today :)

No worries! How are you from the fall?

Giant Yunho:

I'm fine, really. I'm not that weak y'know!

Okay sure, Mr. my-butt-doesn't-hurt

Giant Yunho:

I'm being bullied by a shortie :(

You're bullying me too :( I ain't that short!

Giant Yunho:

Fine fine, you're perfect. Now please go sleep. You need more rest.

Good night, Miss Shortie-but-perfect :)

Good night to you too ^^

Yunho and his sweet words that once again made my heart flutter. Putting my phone down next to me, I sighed yet again as I thought about Yunho and Seonghwa. They've both been by my side and so helpful, caring, everything. This is gonna be hard...

Yunho's POV

"Why you smiling at your phone?" Wooyoung asked, sitting next to me as he dried his hair with a towel and peeking at my phone. "Ahhhh, it's Y/n. You and Seonghwa-hyung really being rivals huh?" His last sentence caught my attention as I stared at him, curious.

"I know Seonghwa-hyung likes her too. Both of you are obvious, VERY OBVIOUS. Also, hyung has been acting weird since he came back from sending Y/n home." Now that made me even more curious. "Hyung was sulking his way to his room and never came out." Wooyoung shrugged and resumed drying his hair. I should talk to him...

And I did. I was standing nervously as I waited for his response after I had knocked, entering after I heard a faint "Come in." "Hyung, we need to talk." I sighed, sitting on his bed next to him, ignoring his shocked expression. "It's about Y/n, isn't it?" Seonghwa spoke as he adjusted his position, mimicking mine.

"Did something happen just now when you sent her home just now?" I asked, cutting straight to the point. He stayed quiet as if thinking back, his expression serious. "I confessed to her." He finally spoke, bluntly. I was shocked but at the same time, not really. "You've confessed too, haven't you?" Seonghwa asked, now I'm shocked.

"Yeah, awhile back." An awkward silence filled the room as we stared at anything but each other. "We have to compete fairly I guess. We support whatever decision she makes and whoever she chooses, deal?" Seonghwa declared, his sharp eyes focusing on me.


Y/n's POV

After a day of fun, Jongho and I were back at the hospital. Mom was getting better and could be discharged soon, however, I couldn't say the same for dad... The doctor said he hasn't shown improvements and that we should prepare for the worst.

I let out a sigh as I rested my head on Jongho's shoulder, him wrapping his arm around me in response. "Thanks for being here Jongho-ah." I whispered sincerely as we looked over our resting parents. "We're family, aren't we? I should thank you for coming to look for me, I wouldn't have known I had a noona like you if not for your efforts." He smiled warmly at me, his other hand ruffling my hair.

"How are things going? Between you and erm hyungS." Jongho suddenly asked. "That was random but honestly, I have no idea." I answered, now burying my face into his shoulder. "Wanna share?" He asked as he rubbed my arm and I poured everything to him who listened intently. "Just go with your heart, noona. I'm sure there's an answer in it." He said wisely, flashing his gummy smile. "Thanks for listening, my baby brother." I returned his smile while squishing his cheeks.

sry for d short chapter but here's an update! my mind has been melting since tbz's new song n mv was released :') (any deobis?)

keep voting and commenting! lmk wat u want to happen hehe u can msg me too!

thank you for supporting this book and ice hearts!

~thedouble_a (22/9/20)

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