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Yunho's POV

After the discussion with San, the time was up and the others came out looking tired but happy. "Yunho-ahhhh, you better?" Y/n asked, waddling towards me in her skates. "I'm fine now, thanks for asking Y/n-ah. Did you have fun?" I smiled at her concern and cute action.

"Yeah! Seonghwa oppa made me chase after him and I think I got the hang of skating, also thanks to you Yunho for being patient with me." She smiled sweetly at me before throwing Seonghwa a playful glare which the latter just shrugged nonchalantly.

I forced a smile at how she talked about her time with Seonghwa, not wanting to seem rude and thankfully no one seemed to catch it. "Can we go get some snacks or dessert now?" San asked, eyes shining in excitement as the others laughed but eventually agreed.

We ended up in a cosy ice cream cafe around the corner, all of us plopping onto the cushioned seats as the feeling of tire finally hit us from the skating session. "I'll go order, what do you guys want?" Seonghwa asked, standing from his seat. "Does it mean you're treating us?" Wooyoung asked with playful, puppy eyes. "Yeah, sure." Seonghwa responded while rolling his eyes at the younger who was now cheering with San.

"It's fine, oppa. I said I wanted to treat you guys today, I'll buy instead." Y/n insisted, wanting to get up from her seat as well but got pushed down gently by the still-standing Seonghwa. "No, Y/n-ah. You've already bought us lunch and that's more than enough." At the sight of Seonghwa's loving smile, the temperature in me started increasing again, making me fidget in my seat. San, who had noticed my behaviour, cleared his throat and started whining to Seonghwa to hurry up as he pushed him towards the counter.

Shortly after Seonghwa returned from ordering, our ice creams were served quickly and everyone started digging in. I was enjoying my dessert when I felt someone staring at me, or more like staring at my ice cream. Turning to my right, I caught Y/n unconciously staring at the cup of ice cream in my hand.

"Do you want some?" I chuckled at her flustered expression which shifted to a sheepish smile, nodding her head nonetheless. Picking up a rather huge bite for her, I brought the spoon to her lips where she happily ate the ice cream, her eyes lighting up from the sweetness. "Here, have some of mine too!" She beamed, doing the same to me which of course I accepted happily.

"Aw, you guys are so cute." Wooyoung cooed, making Y/n and I blush as he attempted to feed Jongho his ice cream but all he received was a raised eyebrow and judging expression from the youngest who just continued eating his sweet treat.

"Meanie." The rejected boy mumbled under his breath, pouting as he forcefully stole some of Jongho's ice cream as revenge. "Aish! Now my ice cream has Woo-germs." The maknae savagely grumbled, putting his almost empty cup of ice cream down on the table.

Seonghwa's POV

I observed the pair as they shared their ice creams with huge smiles on their faces, my grip on my spoon tightening. "You're gonna break your spoon soon, Hwa. Quit staring." Hongjoong whispered to me, leaning towards me with a smirk.

"Huh?" I asked, distractedly. "You're staring a little too obviously at the two over there. Stop it." He answered, returning to his original position and continued enjoying his ice cream as I sighed and focused on the two fighting maknaes instead.

"Yo, guys. You're being embarrassing public nuisances." Yeosang said, throwing his spoon at Wooyoung who screamed at him, attracting even more attention. "Can we leave already?" Mingi mumbled, obviously embarrassed by his friends. "We should leave soon, it's getting late." Hongjoong announced, setting his empty cup down.

"Hell yeah, finally." Mingi cheered quietly, already standing up to dispose his empty cup. "I'll send you home, Y/n-ah, since Jongho is coming home with us." Yunho said, catching my attention.

"No, I'll send her instead. You go home and rest Yunho, you had a pretty bad fall." I interrupted before Y/n could accept his offer, and thankfully she agreed with me. "Seonghwa oppa is right, you should rest more." Her response made me sigh in relief internally. Yunho was about to protest when she stopped him, "No buts Yunho-ah."

We bid farewell to the rest of the team as we walked in the opposite direction to Y/n's house. The walk was comfortingly quiet as we enjoyed the night breeze.

"How was today? Was it fun?" Y/n asked, breaking the silence. "Of course it was. The boys and I really love spending time with you, I haven't seen them play and enjoy themselves so much in awhile. I should thank you for allowing them to be such embarrassments and still hanging out with us." I joked and she laughed along.

"No, thank you for letting me join you guys. I have always been alone, busy with work and always thought I was the only child. I'm glad how everything turned out well eventually." She spoke softly, smiling as she did. "I told you, Jongho would accept you and you would be a great sister to him." I assured her, giving her a pat on her shoulder. We reminisced the brief past we had together and soon, we arrived at her house.

"Thanks for walking me home, oppa." Y/n thanked, bowing slightly and was about to enter her house. Unconsciously, my hand flew to her arm, stopping her in her tracks as she turned around to look at me. "What is it?" She asked, confusion evident in her tone. "I erm, just wanted to say that I er. Good night." Why are you stuttering, Park Seonghwa?!

"You look like you have more than 'Good night' to say to me. You can tell me anything, it's fine." Y/n lightheartedly chuckle. "Will it really be fine if I tell you I like you...?" I blurted out, eyes widening as her's did too.

"I'm sorry Y/n-ah. I wasn't supposed to tell you this like that but I can't seem to hold it in anymore. I really do like you, Y/n-ah. I don't know when it started, probably when helping with Jongho. I just felt like I had to help you, take care of you and protect you." I confessed, avoiding eye contact with her.

"Seonghwa oppa, I-" Y/n was about to speak but I cut her off. "You don't have to say anything, you can ignore what I just said or even forget about it. Get some rest, good night Y/n-ah." I smiled once more and left in a hurry before she could say anything.

Park Seonghwa, you idiot.

hello! I'm back with a new chapter hehe and more drama

it's getting more intense isn't it? how do you guys like it so far?

Yunho is leading for the voting currently so here's a Seonghwa moment HAHA

do keep letting me know who you guys are voting for!!

I'll try my best to update more before I start being busy with school again!

~thedouble_a (19/9/20)

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