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Y/n's POV

"Hey, Yunho. Are you free to meet today? For dinner." I asked through the phone as he gave an enthusiastic okay, making me smile at his always bright attitude. "Okay. I'll see you soon then." Hanging up, I packed up and left for home to get ready; physically and mentally. Yunho, I hope you won't hate me for this. I thought to myself as I drove home.

"Y/n! I'm here, sorry for being a little late." Yunho panted as he rested a hand on my shoulder. "You should thank your long legs." I joked, patting the hand that was on my shoulder.   "Come on, let's go in before we're too late for our reservation." I continued, following the waiter to our table.

"So why the sudden dinner invitation?" Yunho asked once we were left alone, making me slightly flustered. "Erm, I'll tell you later! Anyways how have you and the other boys been? I haven't seen you guys in awhile." I smiled as I tried to change the topic, and it worked thankfully.

"Oh! We're good, same old same old but Seonghwa hyung has been a lil' more quiet than usual." He said, shrugging. Oh? "Why?" I asked, fingers tapping on the table rather anxiously. "Y/n, are you really asking me that?" He sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "Huh?" I was honestly confused as I prompted him again.

"It's you Y/n-ah. Hyung has been kinda out of sorts and I heard from Hongjoong hyung that he has been feeling rather anxious about y'know you and him. Not gonna lie but I honestly understand what he's going through." Yunho mumbled the last sentence to himself but I heard it, choosing to ignore it instead. Just on time, the food came and Yunho's expression lit up at the sight.

Dinner ended with laughter and chatter and we were now roaming around aimlessly as we searched for a quiet cafe for dessert. "How about that cafe over there?" Yunho pointed to a cozy cafe that was occupied only by a few customers. "Sure, looks good." I replied, slowly getting nervous about telling him the truth.

We sat down at the table in the corner, slightly further from everyone else as Yunho went to get us some ice cream. "There you go." He beamed, setting my cup of ice cream in front of me.

"Now can you tell me why you asked me out today?" Yunho mumbled, poking at his ice cream with his spoon. "I-erm, I have made my decision and Yunho-ah, please don't hate me. I decided to give Seonghwa oppa a chance." I finally blurted out, searching his face for emotions but his expression was unreadable. "Erm, Yunho?" I called, leaning closer to him. "Oh? Oh, guess I lost then." Yunho let out a bitter chuckle.

"I'm sorry, Yunho-ah. I'm sure you'll fine someone better and more worthy than me." I gave him a hopefully comforting pat, getting a forced smile in return. "We can at least be best friends right?" Yunho chirped, his mood turning better in an instant.

"Of course we can, I will never replace that." I returned his grin with an even wider one. "I'll support your decision, hope you and hyung will be happy together. If not, I'm not letting him off."

After dessert, Yunho have offered to walk me home. We were enjoying the slight breeze and peacefulness, acting like children as we started pushing each other jokingly. "Y/n, can I ask you something?" Yunho suddenly turned serious as I gave him a nod. "Why are you so short?" He whispered as he bent down to my eye level, holding a laugh. "Hey! That's rude! And I am not THAT short! I've said that before." I gave him a slap on his back as he finally burst into laughter.

We ended up bickering our way to my house, stopping when we spotted a familiar figure standing at my doorstep. "Seonghwa hyung?" Yunho asked as we got closer. I froze as Seonghwa fixed his eyes on mine, no smile, no emotions. "Why are you here?" Yunho asked, breaking the awkward silence. "I came for her but looks like she's busy with you. I'll get going then." Seonghwa muttered, turning on his heels as he walked away.

"Y/n? Hey! Why are you still standing here? Go after him!" Yunho exclaimed, nudging my senses back into me. "Right. Bye Yunho!" I waved at him as I ran after the older male.

"Seonghwa oppa!" I called after him, running as fast as I could but was still too slow for him as he kept increasing his pace. "Seonghwa oppa, please stop!" I shouted once more, breathing out in relief as he finally halted to a stop and I took my chance to catch up with him. "Wh-why did you leave?" I panted, completely out of breathe. "I didn't want to take up you and Yunho's couple time." He muttered, averting my eyes.

"Couple time? Couple?" I mumbled, confused. "Yeah, didn't you ask him out to accept him and all?" Seonghwa asked, his expression mirroring mine. "No! I asked him out to do the opposite. The one I will be accepting is you!" I blabbered as I hurried to clear the misunderstanding.

"So, you're not together? Wait, you're choosing me?!" Seonghwa's eyes widened and so did his smile. "Yes I-WOAH!" I got cut off as he brought me into a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me. I love you so much, I can't imagine seeing you as Yunho's girlfriend." He whispered into my neck as he stopped spinning me, sending shivers down my spine.

"Now that I know you're still single, can I ask you a question?" He said, lifting his head from my neck to meet my eyes. "Hmmm, it depends." I teased, tilting my head as he rolled his eyes with a fond smile.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course I will."

I beamed at him, closing my eyes as he leant down, catching my lips with his. I melted as I felt him smile, lips still on mine. "I love you, Choi Y/n." Seonghwa smiled fondly at me, giving me a peck on the lips once more. "I love you too. Now can you take me home, boyfriend?" I cupped his cheeks as he pouted. "Way to go, girlfriend but yes I will send you home now. Let's go, baby girl."

hihi here's the bonus chapter I promised!

this officially marks the end of noona and I hope you've all enjoyed this book :)

I've published a new book for The Boyz and I hope you guys give it a read too hehe Stan tbz and atz my dears ^^ *update* I added Wooyoung into the book HAHA

~thedouble_a (12/10/20)

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