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Y/n's POV

It was a typical day back in the office for me, sorting out files that I needed to go through when suddenly, my phone rang; it was Jongho.

"Noona, you need to come to hospital quick. It's about dad."

With that, I hung up and rushed to my car and drove towards the hospital. "What happened?" I asked Jongho impatiently as I saw him standing outside the emergency theatre where dad was currently shifted to. "He...his heartbeat stopped and his condition is unstable now." Jongho spoke, lips pushed out into a worried pout. Oh god no...

"Noona, please take a seat and rest." Jongho pleased, holding onto my hand as I have been pacing back and forth the corridor in front of the theatre. I sighed, finally sitting down next to him.

"I'm worried sick, Jongho-ah. I'm scared." My voice came out weaker than I thought, tears finally escaping my eyes as I buried my face into my younger brother's neck, feeling my shoulder getting wet as his tears started to fall too. "I know, n-noona. I am too. I-I haven't even gotten the chance to meet him." He stumbled upon his words as beads of tears continue to drop from his round eyes.

Minutes passed, turning into hours which felt like years to us before the doctor finally stepped out, a solemn expression etched on his face. "Miss and Mr. Choi, I am so sorry. We couldn't save him, his body was too weak." The doctor spoke, giving Jongho a pat on the shoulder. The news came heavy, my legs weakening as I fell back into the seat.

"No, no, no. Jongho-ah, this can't be happening." I was mumbling in despair as Jongho squatted down in front of me, more tears falling down his cheeks. "I'm sorry, Jongho. You deserved to meet dad, I'm sorry I came to you late." I sobbed, wiping his tears. "It's not your fault, noona. No one expected and wanted this." He sniffed, bringing me into a tight hug.

We were just finished with the documents for dad's passing, entering mom's ward with heavy steps. The sight of mom made me tear up again, my voice trembled despite my attempt at being strong in front of her. "Mom...we have something to tell you." I finally breathed out, avoiding her eyes. "It's your dad, isn't it?" She spoke, sounding tired. "He...he didn't make it." Jongho broke the news to her on my behalf as my sobs returned, hugging my mother who has also broken down.

"Jongho-ah, please know that your dad would have loved you so much and would enjoy spending time with you." Mom's quiet voice broke down Jongho's wall of wanting to hold his tears in, sobbing into mom's embrace. "He would have." I agreed, joining the sad yet warm hug.

After awhile, mom fell asleep, worn out from crying. We tucked her in and Jongho took a seat next to mom's sleeping figure. My eyes glanced towards the now empty bed; the one dad had occupied before, and I felt so suffocated. I'm sorry I was too late, dad. I am so so sorry. I couldn't even say goodbye to you for the last time.

"Jongho-ah, I'm gonna go take a walk." I whispered to him, not wanting to wake mom up. "Will you be okay alone?" Jongho asked with worried eyes, receiving a nod from me in response as I stepped out of the ward.

Soon, I found myself by the ever peaceful Han River as I reminisced the memories I had with dad and once again, tears falling again unknowingly.

"Hey, a pretty lady like you shouldn't be crying all alone by the river."

hello! back with another short chapter :)

wonder who's the one who found Y/n hehe

I'll be back soon...hopefully

~thedouble_a (24/9/20)

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