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Y/n's POV

"He went to look for you guys and he's not back yet."

"What? We didn't see him and it has been quite awhile since we've left." Seonghwa checked his watch, slightly confused. "Should we go look for him? I asked, getting worried about my first friend I made within the boys as the rain continued to pour heavily outside.

"We probably should, the rain's heavy and it's getting late. He's not picking up his phone either." Hongjoong sighed as he stood up, tucking his phone in his back pocket. "Y/n, you should go home. Don't worry about Yunho, we'll go look for him." He continued, patting Seonghwa on his back to signal him to send me home. I nodded, knowing there was no use if I were to argue that I wanted to look for Yunho too.

"How was Jongho?" I asked quietly. "He left shortly after you did, but he's in the dorm. Sorry about him though, Y/n-ah. Hope your hands are okay." Mingi pouted cutely before giving me a short hug. "Thank you, Mingi." I smiled at him as they left to look for Yunho while Seonghwa walked me home.

The comfortable silence between the male and I, who were sharing an umbrella, made the walk home comforting since it has been a long day for us. It was practically an emotional roller coaster ride for me, having gone through almost all the different kinds of feelings I know of. "Were you angry at Jongho though?" Seonghwa broke the silence with his curiousity which was evident in his eyes.

"To be honest, a little. It did hurt when the soup burned me but I got worried about him, whether the soup had burnt him too and of course, embarrassment was stronger at that moment." I admitted with a sheepish laugh.

"He probably feels bad about it too, judging by how he was so awkwardly quiet and stiff. That kid better be reflecting on his actions, I'm gonna nag the hell out of him when I get home." Seonghwa joked as he lifted a fist and started punching the air with some self-made sound effects which made me burst out in laughter at his silliness.

"It's great seeing you laugh again. You're a strong one, you'll break down Jongho's wall one day so no giving up, okay?" He smiled widely at me, resting his arm around my shoulders. "Don't underestimate me, oppa. There is no way I'm giving up on my brother. I'd do anything for him, I really would." I said grinning at him, determined. "I know you would, kiddo."

"I'm home now, thank you for sending home Seonghwa oppa. Let me know when you get home." I thanked him as he broke out into a huge smile. "It's no problem and yes, I will. Get some rest okay, I'll see you soon." Bidding me farewell with a quick hug before he disappeared into the heavy rain. I entered the cold house, temperature lower than usual due to the weather, putting my belongings aside and immediately headed to take a hot shower.

Yunho's POV

My chest tightened seeing Seonghwa hyung and Y/n so close to each other, a feeling of jealousy surging through me. I stood rooted, my fists tightly clenched, until I couldn't take it anymore. Turning away quickly, I walked away aimlessly, just wanting to take a breather till droplets of rain fell on me slowly but I didn't care as my emotions were in a mess.

I was relieved that Y/n was fine and not alone, yet I was jealous of hyung; I wanted to be the one in his place. I didn't like the feeling that it could be possible for hyung to like her...too.

I know it hasn't been long since I've known her but there's just something about her that makes me melt, makes me want to make her happy and mine. I groaned and kicked a lone pebble that was on the path, stopping by the river as I rested my elbows on my knees when I plopped down on a random bench and stared at the calm water.

I kept sighing along the way to nowhere and people were staring at me weirdly as I continued with my 'walk', thankfully I was wearing a mask so I was unrecognisable. My footsteps grew heavier along with the rain, trudging around the neighbourhood with my mind still clouded with thoughts.

God knows how long I've been under the rain; seconds, minutes or even an hour. I was completely drenched, feeling kind of sick and probably looked like a total mess but I didn't care as my feet unknowingly brought me somewhere. After hesitating for a while, I finally mustered my courage and knocked on the door. It was quiet and I was about to leave when the door finally opened.


where did Yunho end up at?

sry for the short chapter was having a block

anyways rmb to vote n comment!

~thedouble_a (20/6/20)

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