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Fast forward to Outing Day

Yunho's POV


I had jumped out of bed as soon as my loud and annoying alarm rang, but since I was in a good mood today, I didn't mind it at all as I rushed to the bathroom immediately to get ready for the outing that was at noon. I was excited, super excited at that, I couldn't wait to hang out with Y/n...and the others too.

Last night wasn't easy for me to fall asleep as thoughts filled my head, yes I was thinking about Seonghwa hyung and Y/n but I have decided to put it down and look forward to today while also observing the two of them.

Currently, I'm standing in front of my closet, thinking about what to wear for the day when San came in with a whole roasted sweet potato in his hand and a...block of chocolate in his other hand? I gave him a judging look as he looked at me innocently while munching on his morning snacks, sitting on my bed.

"Mornz, Yunho. You're up early. Tryna impress Y/n huh?" San said with a teasing smirk. "You're up early with your interesting combination of snacks too. But what do u mean about me erm trying to impress Y/n?" I asked as nonchalantly as I could while holding up two sets of outfits.

"Come on, Yunho. I know you have something for Jongho's noona, you don't have to lie or hide about it to me." He answered, mouth full of sweet potato. "Ha ha, something? What thing? There's nothing." I tried my best to look away from his piercing, teasing stare.

"I saw you kiss her, Jeong Yunho, at the mart." San said, this time his mouth full of chocolate and what he said had caught me off guard as I choked on my saliva.

"HA, gotcha. Come on and spill. How long has it been?" I lowered my arms and plopped down next to him with a heavy sigh. "I honestly don't know, it just happened. That's not the point, help me choose my outfit." Standing up and walking back to look at my clothes with San tagging behind me, pointing to the one on the right.

"I can help you with more than choosing your outfit, ya'know. I'm practically a cupid without the bow and arrow." With that, I gave him a judging look the second time, but slightly more interested this time and it ended up with me agreeing to let Mr. Cupid Choi 'help' me with I quote "being Jongho's future brother-in-law".


It was almost noon and we were already at the location waiting for Y/n and Jongho to arrive. For some reason, I was getting more nervous as every second went by, even more so when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hi guys!" Y/n skipped over with a huge smile and a pouting Jongho complaining about something. We greeted the siblings who returned it, one happily and the other still pouting. "So, what's the plan for today, our dearest Choi Siblings?" Mingi asked as he slung his long arms around the siblings' shoulders.

"Is meat okay for you guys?" Y/n asked as she looked up towards the giraffe next to her, who was now smiling huge at the mention of meat. "Barbeque it is!" Y/n announced as we all cheered except for one person.

"DO I NOT EXIST?! I SAID I WANTED PIZZA!" Jongho finally burst out, making all of us laugh at him. "So that was why you have been pouting...?" Hongjoong asked with a raised brow, causing us to laugh even more at the still sulking maknae. "Fine you little baby, I will buy you pizza tonight." I laughed, pulling the now smiling him along as we made our way to the restaurant.

I was watching Y/n who was walking next to Seonghwa in front of me with narrowed eyes, making San pull me back as my footsteps quickened unknowingly. "Bro, relax. They're just talking, just make sure you sit next to her later and do all those gentlemanly things a gentleman would do. I will distract hyung so you better take your chance, I've got your back." He winked as we entered the restaurant, leaving to 'distract' Seonghwa.

Taking the chance, I fastened my footsteps and slipped into the seat next to Y/n who was in the corner. "Shortie." I joked, patting her on the head. "Hi to you too, you giant." Just then, the chair in front of Y/n got pulled by the oldest amongst us...Seonghwa. It's fine, I just have to do what San told me. Before hyung does it.

The meat was served and Seonghwa was in charge of grilling it for our table while Jongho, who was next to him was practically already savoring the meat with his eyes. I grabbed the extra pair of utensils and helped Seonghwa with the cooking.

"Here." I said as I placed some of the cooked meat on Y/n's plate. She mumbled a thanks with a smile and started digging in, as I started filling my plate as well. "Have more meat, Y/n-ah." Seonghwa said as he reached over to put more meat on Y/n's plate. "I'm already eating a lot." She laughed as she gestured to her still-filled plate of meat.

"Hyung's right, you should eat more. You're too small and skinny." I said as I continued stacking slices of meat on Y/n's plate and that was as Seonghwa and I had a minor glaring and meat-stacking competition and also how the pile of meat grew larger, and so did Y/n's eyes as confusion filled them. 

"Erm guys, I think that's enough for me." She chuckled awkwardly. "Do I really not exist? Why am I not getting more meat?" Jongho mumbled, sulking again as he stabbed at the few slices of meat he has.

heyhey im finally back w a new chapter! sry for the long wait I've been really busy w work I'm so tired :(

but I hope you guys like this chapter!

ateez had been so busy lately and we're being fed so well <3

~thedouble_a (7/9/20)

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