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Y/n's POV

The next day came in a flash, the morning rays hitting me the moment I woke up. I was sitting on my bed, not knowing what to do as I was still in a daze from the good night's sleep but just when I started spacing out, a knock was heard on my door.

"Hey, shortie." It was Yunho who had his head poked through a small gap from the door, only pushing it further when he spotted me sitting up on the bed. "Good morning to you too, you giant." I greeted as I rolled my eyes jokingly at him.

"You up for a trip to the grocery store? We're planning to hold a BBQ party later at night but the others are still sleeping." He shrugged casually, plopping himself next to me on my bed. "Yeah, sure. I'll go change so get out." I laughed as I pushed him off gently, making him pout but complied.

I stepped out, immediately spotting the giant in the living room along with San who seemed ready to go too. "Good morning." The dimpled boy greeted with a smile as soon as he spotted me, his contagious smile making me do the same.

The grocery store wasn't far from where we stayed, a short walk was all it needed and it was an enjoyable one with the two energetic boys. I was walking slightly behind them with a fond smile, my eyes trailing to the taller male as a flashback to our previous mart-trip came to my mind.


I pouted slightly at the snack before reaching out again, flinching slightly when I felt a presence close behind me. Turning my head slightly, I relaxed slightly knowing it was Yunho who easily grabbed the bag of chips with his tall height. "Shorty." He mumbled to himself with a small smile, but I heard him clearly due to the small distance between us.

"What did you just call me?" I asked, trying to look as angry as I could. "Shorty. Kiddo." Yunho whispered playfully, bending down to meet my eye level and that was when I realized how close we were as I felt his breathe fan my nose. Flustered, I couldn't say a word as my heartbeat sped up and I could feel my cheeks heat up slowly. Snapping out of the trance, I slapped his chest softly to push him back with a click of my tongue and walked towards the cashier.

End of Flashback

Thinking about how close we were then and that day when he was sick, I couldn't help but feel my heartbeat accelerate, my eyes still focused on him. "Hey, Y/n! Where are you going? The mart is right here." Okay that was embarrassing. I thought as I U-turned back to where the laughing boys were standing, making me pout out of embarrassment as I pushed pass them and straight into the store and into a random aisle.

I wasn't paying attention, grabbing the first item in reach but stopped by San who had his arm around me. "Y/n dear, we do not need baby milk formula. I know Jongho looks like a baby but he definitely isn't one, so no we do not need milk powder." San whispered with a smirk on his face, grabbing the item from me and putting it back onto the shelf.

I groaned slightly as my embarrassment doubled, leaning my head against San's shoulder and he rested his head on mine. "You're cute." San laughed, poking my cheek with his dimpled smile on full display. "Okay cut it, we should hurry." Yunho spoke, his voice sounding rather stern as he broke through in between San and I.

I looked at San, slightly confused, but all he did was shrug and just followed him. "San, let's split up so it's faster. Y/n, you just follow anyone you want." This time, a small frown could be seen on his face as he turned away with the shopping cart.

"Yunho! Yunho, wait for me." I called for him but he didn't stop or turn to face me, just slowing down a little. "Yunho, what's wrong? Are you not feeling well? You were okay just now though." I asked him, slightly worried at his sudden change of mood and behaviour.

"Huh?" I asked as I couldn't hear what he had just mumbled. "It's nothing." Was all he muttered in response, and no I wasn't taking that as an answer. "Yunho, please just tell me what's wrong? You're worrying me." I sighed, tugging at his sleeve as he continued ignoring me. "Ah, Jeong Yunho! Stop ignoring me!" I had resorted to whining at him at this point and I was at it for quite a while.

That was until Yunho had me pinned on the shelf, his arms blocking my escape paths. Oh great, the chips' aisle again. What a déjà vu... "Stop whining like that and stop looking at me like that. My heart can't take it without wanting to do that to you..." His voice grew softer with the last sentence but I still managed to catch it and I don't know what got into me.

"Do what?" I asked him with wide eyes, once again taking notice of how close his face was to me as I could feel a blush creeping to my cheeks. "This." He whispered before closing the small gap between our lips. I could swear the size of my eyes doubled, just like the speed of my pounding heart as his soft, plump lips landed on mine. I was shocked at his sudden action but I found myself giving in, melting with every second as I returned the kiss.

After seconds that felt like hours, we pulled apart with our eyes locked, faces red and hot. Yunho was about to speak but San appeared suddenly, breaking the silence. "There you guys are. I have been looking for the both of you." San said as he fake pouted. "San, the store isn't that big. Just admit that you were distracted by the free samples." Yunho said as he folded his arms at his friend.

"Never mind about me. What were the two of you doing?" His sudden question caused the two of us to redden again, which San seemed to notice. "Why are you two blus-"

"I was helping the short one grab something from the top shelf. She's too tiny." Yunho spat out as he cut San's sentence short and it thankfully distracted San even though it meant that I was getting teased for being short the whole way back home; the walk that was filled with teasing and quick glances and smiles from a certain giant.

What was that...heart calm down.

hey y'all! im back :)

sry for the long pause TT hope everyone's doing well!

& ateez is coming back soon omgggg

~thedouble_a (5/7/20)

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