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Jongho's POV

"Son, can we have a private talk for a moment?" Mom asked, her expression her warm smile dropping into a small frown. It was rare seeing her this serious especially when she comes to visit me, so I led her out into an unoccupied room just next door.

"What is it, mom? Is everything okay?" I ask her as I shut the door behind me and taking a seat in front of her. "This may not be the right time and place for this but I'm afraid I have to break it to you now that she's here." Mom said, her eyes drooping down sadly.

She? Y/n? My head tilted slightly, confused and a little nervous about what she was going to say. "Jongho-ah, your dad and I actually adopted you from Choi Song Hye and Choi Rin, founders of the Choi Enterprise. Y/n, Choi Y/n, is your biological sister." Mom finally revealed as my eyes widened with every word.

"What? I have a WHAT?!" My voice was louder than it was supposed to be. "Why are you only telling me this now?" I asked with mixed feelings, my mind a mess. "Calm down, Jongho. I'm sorry I've never told you about this-" Mom was about the explain but it was too much for me to process now.

"No, mom. Enough, I don't care. You're my mom, you have been for 20 years and nothing is changing. I don't have any so-called biological parents and sister." I let out as I cut her off, unwilling to accept it as it came too strong of an impact. "Jongho, please listen to me. Y/n really is your sister and she wants to reconcile with you. Your parents, they-"

"MOM! Please stop. I don't care. They did nothing for me and even gave me away, they are NOT my family." I raised my voice slightly and my words were harsh, not wanting to continue with this conversation.

Standing up and exiting the room, I was heading back to our practice room until mom had stopped me. "Jongho, you have to accept this. It is a fact and your life. At least give Y/n a chance." Mom tried convincing me yet again but being the stubborn me, it was a failed attempt.

"No! I don't want anything to do with them." I declared as I pushed the door opened. The sight of the female made my blood boil for some reason, the closer I got the angrier I was. She raised her head to look at me, eyes hopeful, as I stood in front of her. "Get out."

"What?" She whispered, confusion plastered on her face. "I said get out. Now." I let out through gritted teeth, but she too was a stubborn one. "But Jongho-ah..." Her voice trailed off weakly, not knowing what to say as she stood up slowly. "I SAID GET OUT! Which part of it do you not understand?"

At this point, she was getting on my nerves because she still hadn't budged. "Jongho-ah, please calm down." Yunho hyung spoke softly but firmly, standing in front of Y/n protectively as tears started to gather in the female's eyes.

"Hyung, stay out of this." I told him coldly as I pushed him away slightly to come face to face with the female once again. "You, out now and never appear in front of me ever again." I warned, glaring down at her. "I'm sorry..." She muttered as she gathered her belongings and ran out of the room, tears flowing down.

"Jongho, you're being too much." Yunho hyung scolded before running off after the girl. I let out a frustrated groan before stomping out of the room to the rooftop for some fresh air.

Why is my life so complicated all of a sudden...

Yunho's POV

Quickly following behind her, I managed to catch up with her as a I caught ahold of her wrist just as she was about to enter her car. "Y/n, I'm so sorry about how Jongho acted. He usually isn't like this, it's probably too much for him to handle at once." I apologised to the crying girl, slightly ashamed of our maknae's actions previously. "No, it's okay. I'm okay, Yunho. You should go back to them, Jongho wouldn't like you talking to me." She spoke softly, making her look so vulnerable as my heart tugged slightly.

"You're obviously not okay, Y/n-ah. Come on, I have something to show you, let's take a walk." I invited her, still holding onto her wrist as I pulled her with me gently. After a short and quiet walk, minus her soft sobs, we arrived at the park next to Han River. The skies were dark and there wasn't much people around as the cold wind blew on our faces. I turned my head to take a peak at the now calm girl who was walking a step behind me with her head hanging low, arms hugging herself tightly as she shivered slightly every time the wind blew.

I chuckled lightly, taking my coat off and draping it across her shoulders, making her look up at me with her doe eyes. "Ah no, I'll be fine. Take it back, you'll be cold." Y/n spoke in a rush, trying to peel my coat off her. "I'm a strong man, I'm okay without it. I don't want you to freeze, how are you going to get your brother back if you freeze to death?" I joked, wanting to lighten to mood but instead my words made her eyes shift down again.

"Y/n, everything will turn out okay. Just give him some time, give yourself some time. It will be fine." I consoled her, lifting my hand and resting it on her head. "Will it really turn out fine?" She asked, unsure but eyes hopeful. "Trust me, I'll do anything to help you!" I assured, giving her a wide smile and a ruffle to her hair. Finally, a smile lit her face up. A smile that lit something in my heart.

Heyhey! Back with chap three. :)

Hope its alright hehe stay tuned to see how it all turns out okay! I promise it will get more exciting soon 😉 since its alr quite dramatic oops. Don't forget to comment/vote too!!

Also, im sorry jongho baby i didnt mean to make you tis mean its for the storyline. I love Jongho very much.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and d lil moment w Yunho! I'll see u guys soon 👋🏼

~thedouble_a (12/6/20)

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