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Y/n's POV

"Woah, are you okay? Do I need to tie your hands before you pull your hair out?" Yunho's voice made me freeze, hands still tangled in my hair.

"I don't even know if I'm okay anymore. I keep telling myself I can do it, that Jongho would accept me but now, I'm not sure anymore. He hates me so much, I can feel it and it hurts me so much." Pushing the awkwardness from before away, I let out my real thoughts to the tall boy who has sat himself down next to me, resting my head against his broad shoulder as his arm wrapped around me.

"That's not the Y/n I know. The Y/n I know would never give up on her brother and he doesn't hate you, I'm sure. He's just not ready and still denying the fact that you're his sister, the others are talking to him now. That kid needs a wakeup call and he's probably getting it from them. If not, he's getting it from me later." Yunho said, his voice soft and calm.

"Get what from you?" I asked. "Erm, I haven't thought about it. Maybe make him eat raw pancakes?" His answer made me chuckle slightly as he smiled at me. "Thanks, Yunho. You always know what to say, and it means a lot. You're right, Y/n does not give up. I'll talk to him again later." I got myself back together, my determination came back. "That's the Y/n I know...and love." What did I just hear?

"What?" I sat up straight, looking at him with shock written all over my face. "I came to realise my feelings for you recently and I am not going to shy away from it anymore. I love how you're so tiny and cute but so strong inside, your personality and everything; I admire you so much. I know it may be too soon for you but I'm willing to wait. I don't need an answer immediately, I want you to reconcile with Jongho first before anything and I know that's what you want too." His words warmed me, making me all fuzzy inside as I looked into his sincere eyes. "Thanks, Yunho." I thanked as he responded with a kiss on my forehead and a bear hug.

Seonghwa's POV

"Choi Jongho." My voice came out sterner than I had expected but I had enough of his attitude towards Y/n, I couldn't help but feel protective towards her. "Care to tell us what was that? Your attitude towards her is getting worse each time and that's unacceptable. You better fix that before you lose your chance at getting back your real family. Y/n has been trying so hard and yet this is what she gets from you. She loves you so much, Jongho-ah." I huffed as the boy plopped down onto the chair.

"I said it before. They didn't want me, why would she appear now? My life was going well, why must she appear and mess everything up?" He spoke as his arms flailed around, exasperated.

"Jongho-ah, she didn't know about you. Y/n came looking for you the moment she found out." I told him, taking a seat next to him as I wrapped my arm around his shoulder. "Really? Then why didn't she or mom tell me?" He mumbled, turning to look at me with his round, droopy eyes which made me nod in response.

"Did you give them a chance to explain then?" It was Wooyoung's turn to nag, or more like sass, the boy. "No..." Jongho trailed off, looking at the floor with his lips pushed out into a pout. "See? Give her a chance, Jongho-ah." San joined in, resulting in a sigh from our maknae. "Okay."

Jongho's POV

I felt bad towards her, maybe I should have given her a chance to explain. Thinking back, all I have done to her was hurt her; be it physically or mentally. I'm such a horrible person. What got into me? I have been taking this way too harshly.

The hyungs had left me out in the backyard alone after giving me a pat on the shoulder. I kept thinking about what I was going to say to her, knowing how horrible I was to her made it so hard. Just then, I heard voices coming towards my direction and I started panicking. OMG they're back, how am I going to do this?

"Jongho? Why are you sitting here alone?" Yunho hyung asked as he walked next to Y/n, who was looking at me intently. "Erm, I want to talk to her? I mean Y/n...s-shi?" Why did I stutter? "Sure!" The girl's face immediately lit up, making Yunho hyung chuckle at her quick change of mood. He's whipped.

I was playing with my fingers as I kept my eyes directed to the ground, still not knowing what to say. "Jongho? I'm sorry if I really did annoy you, I should have known better. I was being pushy and I apologize." She spoke up first, and I could feel her stare on me.

Her words made me feel guilty as I slowly looked up at her. "I, erm, I wanted to apologize. It's not your fault, it's mine. I shouldn't have been so rude to you, I should have given you a chance to explain."

She broke into a grin so wide her eyes turned into crescents, it was actually the first time I took a proper look at her and we do look alike. "No! It's fine. I'm already so glad and thankful that you're actually talking to me now. We can always start afresh." And we did. It was actually nice talking to her, finding some similarities between us and it made her even happier.

"So, how's erm d-Mr and Mrs Choi?" I asked, obviously awkward. "They're not doing so well to be honest and I'm worried. I just want to fulfill their last wish which is getting you back before know, leave us." She muttered, face turning dull instantly.

"Oh..." Was all I could muster, not knowing what to say. "I know it's too soon, I don't expect you to accept us immediately but I was hoping you could visit them with me when we're back in Seoul?" She asked carefully, with pleading eyes. "I guess I could." I shrugged. "Thank you so much, Jongho-ah." The smile was back on her face.

hi! im back!

hope I didn't take as long to update this time hehe

glad to hear that ppl are enjoying this book! thk u all so much :)

stay healthy and lets anticipate & support ateez's upcoming comeback tgt!

~thedouble_a (17/7/20)

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