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Y/n's POV

The day came and went in a flash, I was now getting ready for dinner. Just as I was done preparing, I received a text and headed out. "Hey! Thanks for picking me up." I bowed at him jokingly, making him laugh. "No worries, it's my pleasure. Let's go." He said as he drove off to the restaurant.

The radio was playing softly in the background as we were quiet during the comfortable ride, with him singing along softly to the songs playing. "You sing well." I complimented him as he simply smiled softly, focusing on driving. "Wow, the place looks amazing." He whispered to me as the waiter led us to our table.

"How was your day?" He started a conversation as we waited for our food to arrive. "It was okay, nothing new or unusual. Oh! Jongho was being dumb this morning. He woke up with his bed hair thinking he was late for his appointment and almost rushed out in that state, only to realise his appointment was tomorrow." I laughed, recalling my brother's silly act early in the morning. "That kid."

The pleasant dinner ended with laughs and interesting conversations. "The total will be $68.27." He was about the pay but I had stopped him, giving my card instead. "Let me treat you, I was to one who invited you out anyway." I smiled, thanking the restaurant staff once again before leaving. "Thanks for the meal then." He returned the smile along with a bow, just like I had done so before.

We wandered around the mall, entering random shops that sold nice stuff and exiting with several bags. Continuing with our hunt for items, we took a short break at a cosy cafe at the corner for some dessert before heading off to the carpark where his car was at.

"Home?" He asked, starting the engine. "Erm, can we head to the Han River instead? I have something to talk to you about." I answered with a small smile, he nodded with a raised eyebrow but didn't question my choice as he drove off.

Within a short 20 minute ride, we were already at our destination. Strolling along the peaceful and dimly lighted pavement, we enjoyed the comfortable silence for a moment before stopping at a quiet spot that allowed us to watch over the water. "So, what is it you have to talk to me about?" He finally asked, obvious that it has been bothering him for awhile.

"Before I get to the point, I would like to thank you for always being here for me. Y'know, for all the times you've helped me with my relationship with Jongho and all. I'm really thankful to have you by my side and all but..." I trailed off, nervous and unsure of how to break it to him honestly without hurting his feelings.

"It's not me is it?" He cut me off, eyes focused on the calm water still. "Huh?" I mumbled, his words had kind of caught me off guard. "The one you like. You chose him haven't you?" He asked, this time eyes fixed on me while mine darted around. "I-I er..." I ended up stuttering.

"You can be honest with me you know that. It's alright." He smiled gently at me but his eyes were filled with disappointment. "I...yeah, I did." I finally came through with it, letting out the truth. "I knew it." He mumbled under his breath with a sad smile. "We're still friends, right?" I asked him with hopeful eyes. "Of course we are, silly girl." He chuckled, ruffling my hair as I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Seonghwa oppa."

Seonghwa's POV

To be honest, the moment she asked me out for dinner, I already had a feeling that she was going to reject me even though I still carried some hope that it would be the opposite. She probably felt bad and wanted to spend some time with me before she breaks the news.

Well, they always say the higher the expectations, the higher the disappointments, and I really felt that. I didn't feel as bad as I thought I would, maybe I really did see this coming.

"Can I give you a hug then, dear friend? Thank you for today." I forced a smile and the last of my courage. "Of course you can, my favourite friend and you're welcome." She beamed as she wrapped her tiny frame around mine. "I hope you will be happy with Yunho, I really do. If he ever hurts you, tell me. I'd kill him for you." I half joked, still holding her in my embrace as she laughed in response. "Yes, oppa."

Yunho's POV

"I'm so fullllll!" I groaned, patting my stomach as the boys and I just finished the chicken we ordered in. "I can't anymore, I'm going out for a walk." I sighed as I stood up and stretched, grabbing my jacket and keys with me and left the apartment. I ended up in the Han River park, with my earphones plugged in and simply enjoying the cold wind.

As I walked further in, I noticed a familiar figure. Seonghwa hyung? Why is he here alone? I thought as I quickened my steps a little, only to realise he wasn't alone. Y/n...? And she looks so happy with him...I guess there goes my chance. I stood frozen and unnoticed by the two, feeling sour about the scene as I turned back, walking away with heavy steps.

HEYYYOOOO hehe another chap is up :)

hehe last bit of drama before (probs) d last chap


~thedouble_a (6/10/20)

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