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Y/n's POV

"Trust me, I'll do anything to help you!" Yunho's bright voice instantly made me smile as I lifted my head to look at the tall male, his expression just as bright while ruffling my hair softly. "Will you really help me?" I asked him, voice filled with hope. I could really need some help, Jongho's not going to trust me so easily. "Of course I will! I'm sure the others will too." Yunho's hair bobbed as he nodded multiple times.

"Thank you in advance then." I joked lightly, my tears finally coming to a stop. "Are you okay now?" He asked while chuckling softly, spreading to me as I nodded a yes. "That's good to hear. Let me walk you home now." Yunho offered since it was already dark and my house wasn't far from where we were.

Along the way, we made small chats to know each other better. I had also managed to know Jongho a little better through the helpful boy who shared the numerous fond memories they shared, making me grin along with his stories.

"In conclusion, Jongho is scary sometimes but he still is our maknae that we love a lot. I'm sure you will get to see the nice side of him soon, he IS a nice kid." Yunho's contagious smile never seems to leave his face, complimenting his soft features well. "We're here. Thank you so much, Yunho." I thanked him with a sincere smile, passing his coat back to him. "No problem, I'll see you soon. Have a good rest, Y/n-ah." He said, ruffling my hair again before walking away.

Two days later

After washing up from my trip back from the hospital, I sat on the sofa, drying my hair with a towel when my phone let out a short 'ding' to signal a new message. 'Hey, Y/n. Jongho seems like he's calmed down now. Would you like to come over to the practice room tomorrow?' It was Yunho, who had given me his number that day.

'Sure. I'll bring some food too.' I replied him immediately, slightly nervous and excited to them again, especially Jongho. I could understand his outburst, it coming down on him harder for him than me. I sighed as I thought about tomorrow.

What should I buy? What should I say? Another 'ding' broke my thoughts as I grabbed my phone off the table. 'Jongho likes chicken and pizza ;)' Yunho's reply made me laugh, it was as if he knew what was going on in my mind. I headed off to bed once my hair dried completely, wanting a good sleep to meet my brother.

My alarm rang, the loud sound tearing through the silence. I sprung up and headed towards the washroom right away to prepare. I wonder how Jongho would react when he sees me...I started getting the jitters thinking about it while brushing my teeth. I ended up using the time while prepping to do some thinking, coming to a conclusion that no matter how he reacts or treats me, I would not give up. With determination, I finally left the house to get the food Jongho likes.

Nearing the entertainment, I dropped Yunho a text to let him know that I was reaching. As I got closer, I spotted the tall boy whose face was covered by a mask but his smile underneath was still evident as his eyes scrunched up into crescents when he spotted me.

"Hello, Y/n-ah. How have you been doing?" He greeted while reaching over to take the food into his hands. "I'm fine. Does Jongho know that I'm coming?" I asked him, getting nervous again. "He doesn't but the others do. Don't worry it will be fine, Y/n." Yunho assured, patting me on my head.

Music was playing loudly in the room as we approached it, Yunho opening the door while announcing my arrival. The boys immediately stopped the music to greet me, gathering around me while asking about how I was doing. I smiled at their concern as I scanned the room to find a certain boy missing.

"I'm okay, thanks for asking. Where is Jongho?" I asked the seven who were present. "He went to the toilet, he should be coming back soon." I nodded at Seonghwa's words as we took a seat on the practice room's floor.

The boys laid out the food that I have bought for them excitedly. "Y/n, I love you for buying chicken." Yeosang suddenly exclaimed as soon as he pulled the boxes of fried chicken out from the plastic carriers. As if on cue, Jongho returned once they've all settled down with the food in front of us. "Jongho-ah, come eat! Y/n bought some fried chicken and pizza for us." San called for the boy who stood by the door, expression turning cold the moment he spotted me.

"No, I'm on a diet. What are you doing here?" Jongho asked, his emotionless eyes staring straight at me. "Jongho-ah, I came to visit you." I spoke carefully, trying to read his expression that remained uchanged. "I don't want that, I don't even want to see you. Leave." He said, tone firm as he opened the door that he had just shut close. "But I just-" "I'll leave then, since you're not leaving." Jongho grumbled as he walked out the door while I stared helplessly at the now closed door.

The room was silent as the youngest left, the boys puzzled and unsure of how to act. "It's okay, Y/n-ah. We'll talk to him once he comes back." Seonghwa said, giving my shoulder a comforting squeeze as the others agreed. "Okay, thank you." I replied weakly, fumbling with the slice of pizza in my hands.

"Don't give up, Y/n! We'll make sure he reflects on himself." Mingi said, chewing on his piece of fried chicken as he held a half-eaten slice of pizza in his other hand. I laughed a little, amused at the eating red-haired boy.

The food finished in a flash as the hungry boys practically inhaled the food in. "Thanks for the food, Y/n!" They chorused as I got ready to leave, not wanting to disrupt their practice and headed to the hospital like always.

Seonghwa's POV

They were siblings for sure as Jongho came back the moment Y/n had left, it was as if he knew that she was gone. He walked in like nothing at happened, making us sigh at his attitude. It was a first for us to see him act like this, especially towards a female. I shook my head making a mental note to talk to him when we're back at the dorm as we resumed with practice.

Later that night, I walked into the living room while ruffling my wet hair with a towel to see a freshly showered Jongho on the couch. "Jongho-ah, why are you so cold towards Y/n?" I asked him straightforwardly, not wanting to beat around the bush.

"Why should I accept her then?" He muttered, folding his arms and leaning back onto the couch. "She is your sister, you should at least be respectful." I scolded him lightly as his head snapped towards me.

"She is not my sister. They've done nothing for me the past twenty years, hyung. Twenty years I lived in the dark, not knowing about my real background. They didn't even come look for me, why now?" Jongho breathed out and I could feel his anger rising. "Jongho, I know it's hard but shouldn't you at least give her a chance and give yourself a chance too?" I sighed again, hoping that Jongho would finally be more accepting towards her.

"A chance? Have they ever given me one then?" I was about to open my mouth when the youngest spoke again. "Good night, hyung." He left.

Why is this boy so stubborn...

chap four.!

will jongho ever accept y/n...?

stay tuned ^^

ps. Y/n is a year older than Jongho!

~thedouble_a (13/6/20)

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