Chapter 1

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It was a normal day for Red Parahan. Going to school, studying with his friends, messing up presentations with his shyness normal as ever for him. He was walking home, his red hair shone in the sunset light, his turquoise eyes staring at his shoes and his slender hands clenching on the straps of his bag tightly. He approached his street and turned down it. The usually green, lush trees turned to the beautiful shades of red and orange of Autumn. He looked up and smiled at their beauty. Once he finished marvelling at the change, he continued his way home.

As he entered his home, he let out a sigh as he placed his bag on the floor. He took out his phone as he sat down on the couch. He looked down at it as the screen lit up, showing he had a few unread messages from his friend, Aleya.


Yo! Red! What's good?

He smiled as he read the message from his friend as he typed a response.



Yo! Red! What's good?


Hey Al, I'm good. I had to present something for school.


Oh? What was it for?


Humanities, sadly


Ha! Rip! Although I did have to do PE.


Rip! Anyway, I gotta go do homework. Peace!


Aww, Oh well, Cya Red!


Red placed his phone down and took his laptop out. He opened a Word document and started on the project he had to do for English. He stopped to think 'What do I do this project on anyways?' the project was meant to be a story on something around the school. 'Perhaps I can do the tree next to the playground? But a story about that wouldn't be interesting' he thought about more areas around the school and then an idea popped into his head. 'Perhaps the cave!' He internally facepalmed for not thinking about that before. Everybody knew the cave was there, but nobody dared enter it. There were rumours about something in the cave that would kill anyone who would enter it. Perhaps he could imagine a monstrosity, but something still realistic. He couldn't think of anything, so he texted Aleya asking for scary stuff she might've found on YouTube.



Aww, Oh well, Cya Red!


Hey Aleya, this may sound idiotic, but can you come into the

Cave behind the school with me so I can see what's in there?


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