Chapter 2

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Red never thought he'd travel with a hero. Nor did he expect a hero to be like Link, silent and a bit moody. Aleya, however, just thought he was boring. She had never met someone like him, and it pissed her off, she was used to talking whenever she was hanging out with someone. But with every question she asked, Link merely ignored her, so she eventually gave up trying to get information. Red kept quiet butterflies in his stomach just by being near Link seeing as he was someone he'd never met, and he felt like Link was just going to snap at him and even hurt him.

"Now, we're headed to Zora's domain first as that's closest. I expect you both not to get in my way." He said. Aleya rolled her eyes and muttered a short-lived "Fine..." before catching up to him. Red just said "Y-Yes! Sir!" while tailing close behind. Link looked at Red weirdly at being called "Sir" in such a sentence. "Is that something people from your time say?" He asked. Red replied with "N-no, not really... Only to people of a higher tier than me..." Link widened his eyes a bit at how low a self-esteem Red seemed to have but just nodded.

Aleya looked at her surroundings before noticing a large structure that seemed to be in the middle of a lake. She pointed it out to Link who merely gave her "Yes, That's the Zora's Domain." Red stared on in amazement "It's so pretty..." Suddenly, a large, balloon-like creature popped out of the water, shooting a massive rock in their direction.

"COVER ME REAL QUICK!" Aleya shouted, pulling out the bow and an arrow. She lined it up and took aim, letting go as soon as the creature was high enough in the air. The arrow shot through the air, letting out a small whistle before hitting it square in the head.

"BULLS-EYE!" She shouted. "How in Hylia did you do that, Aleya?!" Red looked at her in amazement. "Pistols and rifles, my friend. Pistols and rifles..." Red just nodded and Link looked at them weirdly. "What in Hylia's name is a Pistol and a Rifle?" he asked. Aleya seemingly pulled one out of her pockets. "Guns." she simply stated, loading one with silver bullets. "I'm always prepared." Red froze "Aleya... careful with the gun, I thought you knew gun safety..."

"I do! I am safe with them; I haven't cocked it yet. So, it's of no danger... yet." she said, cocking the pistol. "Now it is." Red glared at her giving her the 'are you fucking dumb' look. Aleya merely looked at him with a mischievous look in her eyes. "I DON'T FUCKING CARE!" She shouted-sang. Red just backed away and started walking off not knowing where to go. "OI! RED! I'M KIDDING!! Please don't leave me with Mr Boring..." Link glared at her. Red began running on the path. "Fine! I'll unload them and put them away..." she said, doing so. Red stopped and watched from afar. Once he saw her put them back in her pockets, zipping them up, he went back towards the latter. Red looked at Link like 'so, what now?'

"Well, off we go to Zora's Domain." he stated, and so they left.

**Time Skip**

After what seemed like hours, they finally got a chance to rest. Aleya was bruised and cut in areas from some Lizalfos they encountered, Red had a few bruises on his legs and arms, however, Link, being the one who seemingly got injured most, looked perfectly fine. Red sat down, his legs just aching "How are you not even a bit bruised Link?" Link merely looked at him as he held up a few apples. "I don't know." Red sighed, closing his eyes, wondering how he and Aleya would ever survive even with Link's help.

Aleya, after a short rest, got back up and started collecting more apples for the journey. As she got up, she grunted in pain from the willpower to get up. She wandered towards a tree full of apples and started picking them, one by one. Once she had gathered enough to last her, Red and Link the rest of the trip, she came back and tossed one to Red, biting into one herself. Red looked at the apple and smiled "Thanks Aleya" Red took a bite and then looked at Link, who seemed to not take notice.

Rewriting History (Link x OC) {Hiatus}Where stories live. Discover now