Chapter 15

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Red slowly opened his eyes, still half-asleep. He found that his head was laying in Link's lap and rolled over to see Link's face. The blond was still asleep and even snoring a little. Red smiled and closed his eyes to carefully listen to Link's steady snoring.

Link groaned a bit as he woke up. "Good morning... Link..." Red whispered. "Morning, darling~" Link smiled half-asleep. Red blushed as realised what Link called him before a small idea came into his head "How was your sleep, honey?" Red opened one eye to see Link blush slightly.

"Good, how about yours?" Link asked brushing his fingers through Red's hair. "Brillant..." Red muttered. "You're so pretty Red..." Link quietly told Red causing the slightly shorter boy to blush. Red sat up and hid his face in his hands "T-thanks Link..." he stuttered. Once he tuned back around Link carefully grabbed Red by the cheeks and kissed him.

Red blushed deeply as he closed his eyes and kissed back. He slowly wrapped his arms around Link as the kiss became more passionate. Link pushed Red down onto the bed, Red placed his finger on Link's nose, pushing him off slightly. "Link, no. Not now." Red sternly told him.

Link sighed in disappointment. "Why?" He asked. "Because we have to get ready to fight Vah Medoh soon and I need to not be in pain." He reasoned. That seemed to do the trick as Link huffed, clambering off of the boy. Red sat up seeing the visible disappointment in Link's eyes, he chuckled and leant over to kiss Link's cheek "It's not the end of the world~ we can do it another time, okay?" Link smiled and winked "Fine~ another time..."

Red blushed and hid his face again. "eeerrrr, let's get ready..." he squeaked as he stood up and started walking towards the door. Link chuckled as he caught up to Red.

They first went to the armour shop of the village and saw, only one set of clothes... "Link, you should get it! I can deal with the cold!" Red instantly said. "No, no. You're getting it. I know how to make foods to stop me from freezing." Link shook his head as he put the rupees for the full set on the counter. "But you need it." Red argued "No, I don't... you do. Now, take it."

Red sighed knowing he wouldn't be able to argue and just took it. Link smiled "Now, we need to head to the genral store, we lost a few too many arrows on the way here." he told Red as they started walking out the armour shop. Red nodded "uh, Link... do you think that-" just as he was about to ask the question, he got the answer.

Alec was talking to a white Rito with brown specks going down his side part in which almost covered one of his two blue eyes. The Rito noticed the two staring and turned to look at them. Alec looked over and let out a small squeak before apologizing to the Rito and going somewhere else.

"Hello" Link greeted the Rito. "Hi?" the Rito waved as he walked over. As it got close, they realised how tall the Rito truly was, not as tall as Sidon, but tall enough that he had to look down at them. "I'm Link, and this is Red. You are?" Link decided to make conversation rather than have Red say hello as he noticed Red was kinda, hiding behind him.

"Sparrow, nice to meet you Link, Red! Do you two know Alec by any chance?" Sparrow gave them a kind smile. Red nodded wrapping his arms around one of Link's. "Yes, but not in the best way..." Link spoke solemnly, remembering the events of Vah Ruta.

The bird's eyes widened "Wait... are those Shiekah slates! You guys must be... no, no you guys are probably the descendants of the champion... brothers even!" Link laughed "Uh... no we're not brothers... we're..." he crossed his fingers. "Sort of a thing." Sparrow gave him an apologetic smile "Oh, sorry heh... that was rather rude of me to assume you guys were brothers... it would be rather weird is two brothers were together in... that way."

Link smiled "It's okay!" he looked at Red "Yeah!" The red-haired male seconded. Sparrow smiled at the two before asking "So, I'm guessing you two saw Medoh in the sky? It's been causing quite the problem for us Rito." Red nodded "A-according to Link, you guys weren't having too much issues two weeks ago... but then again... that was two weeks ago..." He stuttered.

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