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As I opened the car door and jumped out of the car I was trembling with nervousness I knew all the teenagers would take one look at me and tease just like what happened at my previous schools

I looked at the school and it looked quite friendly, I usually do alright with my studies it's making friends that's the problem

I can get really shy when talking to others which makes things awkward so I usually don't talk and it's better that way

I walked up to the entrance of the school with my uncle I really wanted him to come with me so he agreed to meet the principal of the school and then pick me up later

As I cautiously opened the door, I noticed that everyone had their own friendship groups and were all talking to each other, laughing and gossiping to each other.

I knew that I would never fit into any of these groups I was always left out and usually left alone unless I got bullied by the popular kids

The school looked very professional with its shiny floors and freshly painted walls with posters and pictures of students all around the school.

The school also seemed very academic as they had clearly won a lot of awards over the years.

As I walked to the principal office with uncle strike I suddenly clung to him like a baby.

"Please don't make me go to this school, I hate it already" I begged him

"Come on it won't be so bad, you will probably get a guide to show you around the school, you make friends easily just trust the right people" he reassured me

I nodded taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down before walking into the office to meet the principal

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