Meeting the Teacher

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I was really nervous about my first class, as this was my first time meeting the students, everyone had told me that the students were very friendly here at CHS but I wasn't so sure

I tried to steady my breathing, I hoped I didn't have a panic attack in front of all these students

But then Celestia put a hand on my shoulder  I flinched at this physical contact, I don't like random people touching me but she said "don't worry, I'm going to speak to the teacher before you go in the class" she tried to reassure me

Celestia then knocked on the door, and asked the teacher if she could speak to her, the teacher came out

The teacher had bright pink hair and wore an outfit that had flowers on it, this teacher seemed quite happy. She smiled at me happily and asked "are you Rainbow Dash"

I meekly nodded at her, Hi, my name is Miss Cheerlie and is it ok if I asked you a couple of questions" asked Miss Cheerlie. "Yes," I said

"Now I understand you're not very good at talking in front of others so you don't have to introduce yourself in front of the class if you don't want to," she said smiling at me

I smiled at her gratefully, I don't really want to say much as I'm not a people person, I'm not one of those people who are social butterflies and get along with everyone.

I hope the other students are nice and don't ask too many questions as it puts a lot of pressure on me, and this stresses me out a lot

"Oh, if you need to anything to help you in class, I totally understand, just give me a heads up if you need to," said Miss Cheerlie.

"Thanks," I said quietly but loud enough for her to hear, I started bracing myself, as I know I will have to go into class in a minute, I just hope I can stay calm during class....

Thanks for reading this chapter, it took me a while as I was struggling with ideas, but sorry this chapter is so short, I will try and do it longer next time

Comment what you thought and any ideas you have for the story and don't forget to vote too! Stay awesome And see you in the next chapter!

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