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As the bell rang, that girl I can't remember her name gave me a smug look as if to say 'you better watch out' I could see the look in her eyes, hatred and evil. She then did a menacing laugh and waltzed off with her friends and left the classroom.

I was scared to go near her again, I hope I don't have any more classes with her, she really gives me the creeps

I grabbed my bag with my belonging all back in there, and went to one of the bathroom stalls.

I slammed the door shut, I sat on the floor and broke down in tears, I couldn't control my emotions anymore,

I tried to calm myself down, so I stood up, the room started to spin, I held onto the door to keep my balance

I then walked over to the sinks, I splashed cold water onto my face.

I thought to myself 'why me, why does it always have to be me who gets teased I'm never going to make any friends here'

I sighed to myself, I walked back near the entrance of school, and sat on the grass near the tree, I leaned my back on the tree.

I got my phone out, and put on some music on to lift my mood to help myself calm down, I got my sketchbook out and decided to draw the school

As I was drawing the school, i looked around and saw a group of girls huddled together giggling about something.

I decided to put them in the drawing, I drew the blonde hair girl first, adding in her features: her freckles, her long blonde hair and added in her steston hat

Then suddenly i saw the girl i was drawing a minute ago, i realized something......

She was approaching me...

And that's it for today's chapter

Let me know what you think in the comments of this chapter if you want the second part of lunch or not, you will see more from the mystery character soon

And don't forget to vote too! See you in the next chapter! Stay awesome!

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