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Hey guys so as most of you know this


I finally reached 1K!!!

To be honest guys I never thought my story would become this popular, I started writing as I enjoy it so much

I never expected to be popular, this is also my first book on Wattpad so I hope you're liking it so far

So as you guys know I can't thank all 1K of you as 1. I don't know half of you guys and 2. I would probably be here all night lol

So instead I'm going to thank the one's who deserve it and I know, sorry to the others or if I have forgotten someone and I'll try not to make a big fuss of it like rarity does lol

Best friends
Yoluplayz- be there for me since the beginning, I love her zodiac book. She loves anything mlp or harry potter

TheNumber1Shipper- amazing person and writer, deserves all the love in the world, her book about sunset and rainbow dash is amazing (forgot the name sorry) and is really easy to talk to.

_Lxvely_Shimmer_- she is so nice to talk to and I really look up to her, and one of my favourite writers on here. Please don't kill me other wattpaders. And her book about sunset is amazing!

Pinkiepieaisyah- the most positive person on Wattpad, love her so much wish I could be like her and have a positive outlook on life, love your random book and hope you continue writing.

Mxha_13- love talking to her get along quite well with her, and I really like her book about rainbow dash and hope she continues writing it.

Dayzmerollingggg- I love her so much, I only just met her but she's so easy to get along with and love her book with random stuff in (can't remember what it's called don't kill me please) even though she doesn't think so.

Emma70529- I really like talking to her, I get along quite well with her but haven't read her stories yet but pinkie promise I will :)

That's all my favourite best friends and I have my number one supporter which is.....

Drumroll, please.....

Dramatic pause.....

StarGlimBurst- I really like her I miss her as I don't talk with her much but I love her artbook. She is an amazing writer and is one of my inspirations.

And finally my idols.....

My first idol is.....

CharaDemonChild- the reason for this is because she was the first person I ever followed on Wattpad and I love her book lost loyalty I may of read it several times ;) which she wrote is my personal favourite

In a close second is......

Baileydash613- she is such an inspiration to me, I look up to her and wish I could be an awesome writer just like her and when I found out she reads my story and really likes it I was so happy, her book the forgotten site (actually remembered the name of the book lol) is amazing I really recommend it and she is one of my best friends on Wattpad

krisalyn598- I don't know her personally but I love her stories she is one of the inspirations why I decided to start writing and is an incredible writer and hope you continue writing!

Next is one of the biggest inspirations in my life she helped me through my hardest times even if I don't know her personally which is.....

djcj132019- she is such an inspiration I love her book everything I wanted, you're a queen and deserve all the love don't let the haters bring you down 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆

Next is......

AnMLPReader1- you are an amazing writer thank you for inspiring me to write, and I love how you write something different and unique, I get that you can't write at the minute but I just wanted to let you know how much I love your story.

Then the next idol is...

MTWdays- she is an amazing writer I have read all three of her appledash books and is genuinely such a nice person and i loved the mystery in it even though i had to read the final book to find out...

And last but definitely not least is....

purpleorchid123- I only started reading her stories recently but I fell in love with them. She is really nice to talk to and I love her soarindash stories.

Now I'm gonna be honest with you guys I was going to discontinue this story but I have decided against that, you all mean so much to me all of you

And I hope you all continue writing

Don't get mad at me but...

We have one more writer who deserves a mention


SapphirePresentsHd- I recently started writing her book and I'm in love with I can't wait for more!!

Now I know you are all probably mad at me for this long speech and I'm sorry

But I'm so grateful for you all reading my story

I'm going now before I ramble on lol

See you in tomorrow chapter!

Awesome Rainbow Dash (To Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now