please don't hurt me....

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New chapter for you guy
Enjoy :)

AJ pov
Put the razor down I said
She turned away with fear in her eyes as she got caught with a razor in her hands and she had tears streaming down her face and tried to say something but no words came out

I grabbed my phone to contact the other girls so they can talk to Dash but someone grabbed my phone and threw across the other side of the room

I looked at Dash who was looking at me with a fearful look

"Please don't shout," she said looking at the floor

"Why would I shout," I asked her in a calm voice

"I'm sorry I threw your phone," she said trembling slightly

"Why did you," I asked her hoping she can open up to me

"Because I don't think I can trust the others, but I trust you for some reason," she said looking at me

"You trust me?" I asked her and she nodded with a small smile

"You're just really nice and I feel safe around you, but the other girls freak me out like Pinkie she's really scary," she told me looking a bit calmer

"Pinkie doesn't mean to she just gets excited easily, and I can talk to the others," I asked her and she nodded

She sat next to me and put her head on my shoulder and looked up at me

"It's ok," I said reassuring her and she slowly closed her eyes while I started stroking her rainbow hair

I picked up the sleeping girl and carried her to her bedroom, I opened the door and all the girls were all there

I put my finger to my lips to tell them to be quiet and they all nodded.

I carried her to her bed and tucked her in, she looked so peaceful sleeping but when she's awake she always seems on edge.

I sighed to myself and left the room closing the door and sitting outside the door, a few minutes later the door opened and all the girls came through the door.

Shy left last and closed the door behind her then they all turned to look at me

"What's going on AJ"
" what happened"
"Do you have any snacks"
"Where were you"
"How did you find her"

They all started saying at once I explained to the girls what I saw and they all had distraught looks except pinkie who was still waiting for her answer

"No Pinkie, I don't have any snacks" and she gave me a defeated look and rolled her eyes

"Maybe she has more in her bag" her eyes went big and started giggling excitedly and jumped up and down

We ignored pinkie as she started running around the entire house searching for snacks

"I can't believe what happened," Sunset said

"I agree, it's just horrible the poor thing," Rarity said agreeing with a sympathetic look

"Guys?" Shy said looking at us

"What is it, shy," I asked her and we all looked at her

"Uhhh none of us is in there with her, what if she tries to hurt herself again," Shy asked us

"Good point, shy, I suggest one of us should stay with her in something happens," Twi said suggesting ideas

We all thought this was a good idea so we all nodded

"So what about school and home," Shy asked

"We'll check with her about her lessons, we'll also let her hang with us at lunch and invite her out on weekends and we'll need to tell Strike what's happening," Twi said

"Wow, that's a great plan, Twi, " Sunset said looking at Twi

"Heh, thanks I'm kind of an expert at planning" Twi stated

"So shouldn't we get back in there" Shy said looking at the door then at us

"Yeah, good idea," I said about to open the door when the door burst open and out came....

And that's the end of the chapter, this story may be discontinued I don't know yet. I just feel like it's really boring and you guys don't like the story much

So please let me know if you want it to be continued, I just need a good reason on why this story should continue



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