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Idea inspired by Baileydash613

Enjoy :)

RD pov

I noticed that they all didn't want to tell me the truth as they exchanged nervous glances at each other

"Ok but you're going to have to know the full story of what actually happened," sunset told me with a weak smile on her face

"Hey it's ok you don't need to be scared dash isn't going to judge you," Twilight said smiling at sunset

"O-Ok," she said taking a few deep breaths

"Short version or long version" pinkie asked me

I shrugged not really minding which version I hear

"Ok so where do I beg -" sunset said but got interrupted by pinkie once again

"So sunset is a pony from another world same as twilight but not this twilight
Then sunset stole a crown and was a bully and ruined our friendship but twilight fixed it again
Then twilight got the crown back then sunset grabbed it and became a sheer demon and created her own army of teenage evil zombies
We all saved twilight from getting hit but then we started glowing and we ponied upped and beat sunset.
Then after that whenever we play music we all pony up just like you and you might be an element of harmony too.
But it was horrible what sunset did-"

"Stop it pinkie" twilight said covering pinkies mouth

"Awww but I was just telling the story to dash" pinkie moaned

"Well I think you've done enough pinkie look what you're done to sunset," shy said glaring at pinkie

"Are you ok darling" rarity asked sunset who looked away

"Hehe no offence sunset" nervously smiling as everyone glared at pinkie

"None taken I just don't want to be judged from my past again" sunset admitted

"Hey are you alright sugar cube," AJ asked me

"Y-Yeah I'm fine," I said thinking back to what pinkie said about sunset

"No, you're not I can tell," AJ told me

"How do you know," I asked puzzled

"I know you were lying cos I'm the element of honesty" she confessed to me

"The element of what," I said still confused

"We all represent an element each im the element of honesty, twi element of magic, rarity element of generosity, pinkie element of laugher, shy is the element of kindness but we're not sure what element sunset is," AJ said as she explained the elements of harmony

"So what have I got to do with this," I asked them.

"When when you were singing you ponied upped and you may have some powers too," sunset told me

"Powers?" I questioned them

"Oh yeah we have powers too I forgot to mention that" Pinkie giggled

"What powers?" I asked them

"AJ has super strength, I can levitate objects, pinkie can make things explode, shy can talk to animals, rarity can make diamonds appear and sunset can see people's memories" twilight said telling me all about their powers

"So you think I have powers too," I said

They all nodded

"Did you notice anything when you were running earlier?" sunset asked me

"Yeah I felt some energy inside me I never felt that before while running," I told the girls
Sunset pov
We were all trying to explain to dash about powers and the elements of harmony as I think pinkie really confused her with the version of the story

I still feel bad for what happened at the fall formal but I'm glad the girls forgave me

"Did you notice anything when you were running earlier?" I asked dash hoping she would tell us

She nodded at us

"Can you tell us what happened" I heard AJ say to us

She took a deep breath and said "Yeah I felt some energy inside me I never felt that before while running"

I then looked at the girls we all had the same shocked expression on our faces

They all ran over to me and we all stood in a circle together

"You guys all thinking what I'm thinking," I asked them

They nodded all looking excited

"Do you really think she is?" AJ asked

"I really hope so" I replied

"But how do we know for sure," twi asked me

"I think I know what to do but don't let dash get suspicious I'll be back soon

"Anyone else want to help me," I asked the girls

"I'll come" twi offered

"I'll come too," rarity said

I then left the house with rarity and twi hoping this would work.....

Hey guys

I made you guys a longer chapter as I promised

It was meant to be out a while ago but took longer then I expected

In the next chapter some secrets may or may not be revealed 😉😉😉

Stay awesome and see you in the next chapter

Awesome Rainbow Dash (To Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now