first class

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Miss Cheerlie opened the door to the first class of the day, which was maths, I hate maths :(

As she opened the door, and I walked in behind her, I noticed all the students were looking at me "you can sit where you want, wherever makes you feel comfortable" Miss Cheerlie said quietly

Well at least I can choose where I want to sit, I wouldn't be able to face sitting next to a complete stranger I thought to myself.

I properly walked into the classroom and decided it would be best to sit at the back, where I wouldn't get noticed that easily.

I sat on the back row of the classroom,  away from everyone else, hiding my face by keeping my hood up.

I noticed everyone kept exchanging looks at me, and I started sweating, so I focused on getting the stuff out for class which included my pencil case, artbook, phone and earphones, this usually helps me to stay calm.

Once I got all my stuff out, I looked at my sketchbook and started to draw another picture. I drew the beach ad it always brings me a sense of comfort and calmness.

This is what I drew

(I didn't draw this btw)

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(I didn't draw this btw)

Then the girl who was sat from across me, started looking at me I didn't want to look at her as I didn't know what to expect, as I don't know this person

I looked away and looked out at the window, sometimes I wish I could be a bird, flapped my wings fly away and never come back.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I quickly turned around to face whoever it was....

Hope this chapter was ok, sorry it was so short, it will be longer next time, don't forget to comment and vote on what you thought of this chspter. See you in the next chapter

Stay awesome!

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