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Hey guys so this is not a chapter. I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A CHAPTER

I just want to tell you guys something...

I don't care if you don't like my stories, they may not be how you want them to be but that's no excuse to judge and criticise my book

If you don't like my books then do me a favour and quit hating on it

Now I write my books from my imagination and heart and I have inspiration to write them from my followers.

So don't pretend to like my book and lie about it

Just because rainbow dash isn't cool or awesome in this book at the minute doesn't mean my book is terrible

So if you don't want to read it, then simple DON'T READ IT THEN!

so on a positive note I want to thank all my lovely supporters and best friends for all the love and support I get


Awesome Rainbow Dash (To Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now