Meeting the girls

459 23 36

R.D pov

I slowly opened my eyes and tried to get my eyes to focus on my surroundings.

My whole body was aching and was in horrendous pain, my head also hurt probably from when I fell.

I looked around my surroundings turning my head very slowly, as I didn't want to make my headache worse.

I noticed that there were seven girls there, I recognized the six girls from earlier when I was drawing, but to my very horror, that girl from earlier was there.

The six girls were all giggling at something but I wasn't sure what, then I saw a girl with blonde hair, she had an angry look on her face as she grabbed the bully and was about to strike her.

I tried to speak but it only came out in a quiet, silent voice, then I noticed everyone had stopped what they were doing and were all in shock.

I wasn't sure what they were so surprised about, but then I saw the blonde girl turn around and look at me, a look of utter shock.

"Stop it, please" I pleaded with them I then started sobbing uncontrollably, this was making my head hurt, even more, I didn't look at anyone I just covered my face and curled up on the bed rocking back and forth

This made my head hurt a lot more, I closed my eyes for a few minutes, trying to help ease the pain.

I then heard silence, then someone tapped me on the shoulder, I screamed as I wasn't expecting it.

"Hey, are you ok" a girl with red and yellow streaks in her hair.

I shook my head, then a hyper girl smiled excitedly "Hey what's with the screaming, I love screaming, can I scream too" she started shrieking with excitement.

"Pinkie, please stop with the screaming, shes obviously feeling overwhelmed," said a girl with pink and purple streaks in her hair

"Darling, are you ok, you don't look so good" a girl with purple hair which was very curly looked at me a worried look on her face.

"I- I- I'm fine," I told them

"You don't sound fine," said the girl with the pink and purple streaked hair"

"I'm just not very good with this many people" I admitted

"I get what you mean, I didn't know the first thing about making friends at first but I got there," said the girl with red and yellow streaked hair

"Hi there," said another girl she had blonde hair "my name is Applejack, this is Sunset, Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy," she said introducing her friends.

"What are you all doing here anyway, shouldn't you all be in the lesson," I said looking at them suspiciously.

I then noticed they all glanced at each other, with worried expressions on their faces.

"Well yeah, we should be, but I was there when you got hurt, and me and my friends took you to the nurse office.

"Do you remember anything that happened?" Fluttershy asked.

"Most of it was a blur, but I remember a girl shouting at the bully," I told the girls.

"Where did that girl go anyway," I asked looking around cautiously"

"She left when you started crying, the nurse made her leave" Twilight explained

"Look I appreciate the help, really but you might as well go," I said looking down.

"Why," Fluttershy said quietly

"You wouldn't understand, I made a deal with someone so it's best you go, I don't want to drag you all into this," I said sighing.

"Try us," Applejack said not budging

"I'm not allowed to go near any of you, that girl said so, if I don't do as she said she'll make my life miserable," I said

"Well that's not right, and anyway we're going to help," said Applejack

"But why are you helping me, you don't even know me," I said confused.

"Look, I know what's it's like to be a bully and to also feeling intimidated by others," Sunset said with a sad distant look in her eyes

"Wait, you bully others," I said starting to panic

I went to stand up, but I wasn't strong enough to stand yet, due to the beating I got earlier.

I felt myself losing my balance again, and my head was really hurting me, then sunset caught me just before I fell. She then put me back on the bed.

"Look I'm fine, I don't need any help," I said fiercely

"I'm only trying to help you" Sunset admitted

"And you do need help, you can't even walk on your own" Applejack said

I looked away from the girls, an annoyed look on my face, as I don't like asking people for help.

Then the nurse came in, she seemed surprised that I was awake.

"Hey, how are you feeling," the nurse asked me smiling at me.

I shrugged, as I didn't really want to say much.

"I see you're feeling better, already so I spoke to the principal and she agreed that you should go home earlier.

I smiled a little at that, but I knew Strike wouldn't be at home yet.

"Thanks" I replied in a quiet voice.

"But one of these girls are gonna have to help you get home, if that's ok," the nurse asked me.

I sighed in frustration but understood that it was for the best.....

And that's the end of today's chapter, let me know in the comments who you think rainbow is going to pick to help her get home.

I know this chapter was terrible, as I haven't done rainbow pov for a while, but the next chapter will be better

Also, there will be more chapters with the mystery character soon ;)

Don't forget to vote too, see you in the next chapter and stay awesome!

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