the mystery character part 2

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Hey guys,
Just a quick note before I start this chapter, this story is going to be dedicated to my favorite writer, she is my idol, and inspired me to write so without her this story wouldn't even exist without her so thank you Baileydash613 and it means so much that she reads my story, it means the world to me, I love her stories so much so go follow her as she deserves more credit for her stories

So anyway onto the story enjoy :)

AJ pov

I sprang to action, I had to get help for the poor girl, I didn't even know her name though.

I tried shaking her but her body was limp and completely still that's when I panicked and realised there was something seriously wrong

I did the first thing I thought of, I dialled a number into my phone, nervously pacing hoping they would answer

"Hello? Are you ok" she asked me a hint of concern in her voice

"I need you and the girl to come other here now!" I said panic in my voice

She realised I was being serious as she asked me what happened.

"That poor girl who was beaten up by that girl earlier, and she fainted I need you to come and help me" I pleaded with her.

I think she heard the desperation in my voice as she agreed. I looked back at the girl, she was still unconscious I was really worried about her.

The girls arrived a couple of minutes later, they were all in shock when they found out what happened to the girl.

"This is dreadful, of all the things that could happen, this is the WORST possible thing!," she said exaggerating this was typical Rarity behaviour always being the overdramatic one.

I rolled my eyes at rarity "what?" Rarity says trying to sound innocence.

"Look Rarity, we don't have time for you exaggerating every little thing, we need to make sure this poor girl is ok," I said frantically

"Is she the new girl who came into maths class?" Pinkie asked excitedly

"I think she is, but no one knows her name," I said nervously

"Cupcake anyone" Pinkie said grinning, usual Pinkie behaviour whenever someone is upset she offers food.

"Pinkie!" All 5 of us yelled at her

"What?" Pinkie said looking at us all.

"Look let's all stop getting excited, even if she is the new girl, we need to make sure she is ok" Twilight said snapping at everyone.

Everyone nodded in agreement, then everyone looked at Twilight in shock as she knelt down and pulled all this equipment out of her bag.

"Wow, Twilight I didn't know that you carried medical equipment with you," Sunset said a surprising look on her face.

"Always prepare for the unexpected" Twilight said with a smug look on her face.

"Do you think you'll be able to help her?" I asked Twilight.

"Yes, but I need to know what happened to her first," she told me.

I explained the whole story but short version, as I didn't want to take too long in case her condition got worse.

"How is she," Fluttershy asked shyly.

"Not good, she's unresponsive, she's taken it pretty bad, I think we should take her to the nurse office" Twilight suggested.

We all nodded in agreement.

"Ummm.... We're going to have to carry her you know... " Fluttershy added"

We all exchanged looks at each other trying to figure out who was going to carry out, I then noticed everyone looked at me.

"What are you all looking at me like that". I eyed them suspicious even though I already knew why.

Obviously, Rarity wasn't going to do it she had a disgusted look on her face, the thought of her carrying a person would freak her out, she probably thought she would ruin her manicure or her makeup or hairstyle.

Fluttershy wouldn't be strong enough to carry the girl, pinkie wouldn't be very careful, Sunset would be too busy on her phone, Twilight seemed the most suitable person to do it, but she gave me the look that said "don't look at me"

"Darling, obviously you are the best option you have super strength remember," Rarity said smiling at me

(By the way, the girls have their powers in this story, but rainbow doesn't know she has powers yet)

I looked around to all the girls, and they were all looking at me with grins on their faces, even Fluttershy but she had a smaller smile than the others.

"You really want me to do it," I asked them

"Of course we do, you're the obvious person to do it," said twilight fixing her glasses

I took a deep breath and picked the girl up, I was quite surprised as she was very light.

She didn't look too good, her breathing was still quite shallow, she had a black eye which was starting to form.

Then all the girls started to laugh, "what are you laughing at" I eyed them suspiciously. This caused them to laugh even more.

"Nothing," Fluttershy said silently giggling.

"Stop lying to me, I'm the element of honesty, I know when you're lying to me, so tell me," I asked them.

"Darling, don't take this the wrong way, but you were staring at her" Rarity commented.

"I was not," I said in an annoyed tone.

"Don't hide things from us A.J, you're really bad at lying remember?" Pinkie said chuckling

"Well anyway let's go to the nurse office, we don't want her to get worse," I said changing the subject.

"Fine, but you're telling us later," Sunset said looking at me"

All right, but later on ok" I said

They all nodded in agreement, I started walking with the girls leaving the outside area, and walking to the nurse office...

Omg I'm so happy this is my longest chapter 885 words I'm so proud of myself

I will be doing a final part of A.J pov and then it will be rainbow pov again, let me know if I should still do A.J pov after this or just stick with rainbow pov

Let me know in the comments what you thought of this chapter, don't forget to vote too!

See you in the next chapter and stay awesome!

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