Lunch part 2

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As the blonde-haired girl was walking in my direction, I went to stand up, but I felt something pulling at my hair...

I yelped in pain, it felt like something was ripping my hair out, I felt the tears run down my face

"Hey! Stop! You're hurting me" I sobbed hysterically.

I came to face with the person....

I was shook....
(Find out what happens in the chapter next time)

Lol I'm totally kidding, you're probably annoyed now ;) anyway back to the story

The person was...

The girl who was mean to me earlier, my body froze, I didn't know how to respond

First, she picks on me in the lesson and now she's physically attacking me at lunch, I rolled my eyes, this girl was crazy

"I haven't done anything wrong, why are you hurting me," I said trembling with fear but mostly shock

She glared at me with a jealous look in her eyes, she had her hands on her hips, she looked a lot tougher than me.

"Well you have done something wrong, you said you would stay away from the popular girls and you didn't listen, so you're going to get what you deserve...

"But I didn't go near the popular girls, you can even ask them if you don't believe me," I said getting defensive even though I was practically shaking

"Oh, don't lie to me, new girl, I saw you giving her looks all the way from other here"

"I won't do it again, I promise," I said in desperation practically begging her

"Well it's too late for promises now, and I haven't forgotten what happened years ago, and everyone will find out you don't belong here" she screamed in my face.

I could feel the tears streaming down my face as she screamed in my face

"Look, I'm really sorry about that, but that was In the past," I said trying to control my anger.

"Whatever, no one will remember you by the time I'm done with you" she grinned evilly.

She then grabbed hold of me and punched me in the face, I could feel my eye throbbing from the pain

I closed my eyes, my legs started shaking and I could barely stand, my head was hurting me a lot and I started feeling dizzy

She then gave a full-force punch right in my stomach, I cried from the pain it even hurt to stand, I saw the blonde-haired girl in the distance, she looked concerned

She ran over and asked if I was ok, I shook my head, my legs gave way and I fell to the ground and everything went black....

And that's the end of this chapter,
Let me know in the comments your ideas and feedback of this chapter, all ideas welcome :)

Who do you think the mystery character is...

Will R.D be ok? What about her past the mystery character mentioned

And what about the blonde-haired girl? What will happen next

Find out tomorrow in next chapter, chapters will be updated regularly so stay tuned for more :)

Don't forget to vote too!

Stay awesome! See you all in the next chapter.

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