i don't know what to do

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Just a quick note.

As you guys may have noticed that you may or may not of been able to view my story last night

When I published ut, no one could view my story, it took about 1 hour so people were able to view it

Ngl I thought I had been hacked...

My notifications and my private messages wouldn't show either which was strange, everything is ok now

But anyway if you missed my last chapter and you didn't get notified, go check that out I added part 2 to the lunch part yesterday

They will be another part later today, it will either be a part 3 lunch or after lunch I'm still deciding

See you in the next chapter!

Stay awesome!

Oh! And my next chapter may come as a shock as I'm doing something different for the next chapter, so stay tuned....


Also, I'm not really sure what to do about my story, as I published this at 8:46 and didn't let people read this till now. So I'm not sure how I'm going to continue this story :(

Awesome Rainbow Dash (To Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now