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We all stared at rainbow as she revealed her rainbow coloured hair.

I never known anyone to have rainbow hair, I don't think anyone knew what to say, rainbow wasn't looking at us and she looked sad.

Then pinkie broke the silence.

"Your hair is so cool, is it natural or dyed? Did your hair turn rainbow by eating skittles? Oh! Can I call you skittles?" Pinkie said rambling on with the never-ending questions.

"Pinkie pie! Don't be ridiculous, skittles isn't a very nice name to call someone" rarity said snapping

"Pinkie let rainbow answer one question at a time," I said sternly

"But i-"

"Pinkie!" We all yelled at her except Rainbow.

"Uggghh fine" Pinkie said folding her arms and sulking.

We all looked back at Rainbow

"I was born with Rainbow hair, no I don't eat skittles"

"Wait... WHAT... Who doesn't eat skittles" Pinkie said interrupting Rainbow

We all glared at pinkie

"Continue" Pinkie said looking at rainbow.

Well... I wouldn't want to be called skittles anyway, but you can call me Rainbow or Dash" she said looking at us all nervously.

I think we all in shock, as this was the most she had spoken so far today.

"Are you ok?" Sunset said

We noticed she looked very sad, she nodded.

"I guess, I just thought that you wouldn't like my hair colour so I hid it" she confessed to us.

"Why would you hide your hair, it's a part of who you are," I asked confused why she would do that.

"What do you mean," she asked me

"Well hiding your hair, is like hiding a part of yourself, why do you hide it we won't judge you," I asked her

"I got bullied a lot at different schools, I was the freak, the outcast, a nobody, I came to this school to make a fresh start but the same thing has happened again"

She didn't say anything after that, she put her head against the window, staring at the surroundings through the window.

Then her phone buzzed, she jumped slightly, she had a confused look at first but then her face lit up.

I think it was someone she knew, as she looked a lot happier than she was earlier, she was tapping on her phone with a grin on her face.

It looked like she was texting someone, occasionally she had a nervous look on her face.

I hoped she was ok but I didn't want to interfere as it wasn't my business to get involved in.

"Hey guys I think rainbow is going to be the best of buds with us all" pinkie said smiling happily at us

"Yeah she seems really nice," Fluttershy said joining in on the conversation

"She seems very edgy and gets nervous easily, the only thing that makes her calm down is music and texting" Twilight said always logic against us

We all looked at Twilight surprised at how she knew all of this as we only met Rainbow this afternoon

"What" Twilight said looking a bit uncomfortable at everyone looking at her

"How did you know that," Sunset said questioning twilights logic

"I learned all about body language and how they act around people"

Awesome Rainbow Dash (To Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now