The truth is....

269 8 14

Idea inspired by Rainy178028

RD pov

I felt my eyes widen in shock as pinkie asked me the question

"Why do you live with your uncle"

I didn't know how to respond to that

I noticed the girls were all looking at me I felt all the bad memories all flooding back

I cried in pain as my dad pulled my hair and started physically attacking me

My mum edging him on tormenting me

He then released me and I fell to the floor

'I'm going out for the night you better clean this house top to bottom or you'll be severely punished.

Don't think about leaving the house but who am I kidding why would you need to leave you have no friends anyway' my dad said and they both starting laughing at me

They then left the basement which was my bedroom I then burst into tears as they left the house

I grabbed a knife and cut down my arm feeling tears rolling down my face it helped release some of the pain that I've kept inside

I then went to the sink and cleaned up my arm to stop it from getting infected. I then covered it with a bandage and put on a long-sleeved top

But let's be real here no one is going to care anyway....

End of flashback

I then felt someone shaking my shoulders and saying my name





I jumped as someone was shouting my names

"Huh," I said looking around my bedroom not sure how I'm here I thought I was back at my dads

"What's wrong dashie," pinkie asked me smiling at me but I had no clue what is going on

"Pinkie pie stop it" I heard another voice shouting at the pink girl

"Stop what," pinkie said smiling innocently

"This wasn't of happened if you didn't suggest truth or dare pinkie pie" AJ said glaring at pinkie and moved me away from pinkie

While twilight was lecturing pinkie about her behaviour AJ sat next to me a concerned look on her face

"Hey are you ok," AJ asked me looking worried

"Yeah I'm fine," I said nervously

"Dash I know that's a lie you're crying," she said looking at me

I then realised she was telling me the truth and my face was damp from tears

"What actually happened," I asked AJ

"Well we were playing truth or dare and pinkie asked why you live with your uncle and you looked freaked out and after that, you zoned out for a while," AJ said explaining to me what happened

I then remembered everything that happened

Then pinkie came bouncing over to us giggling excitedly

"Hey dashie so can you tell us now," pinkie asked me

"No pinkie you can't make someone tell you if they're not ready dash will tell you when she's ready," AJ told pinkie firmly

"Ugggh fine I will find out soon though" pinkie winked

I noticed the girls rolling their eyes

"I need to ask you all something" I looked at the girls

"Of course what is it" sunset said

"Why did you ask me about when I ponied upped.....


Hey guys I finally updated again

Don't worry they may be another chapter later or tomorrow

Hope you enjoyed my terrible excuse of a chapter lol

Stay awesome and see you in the next chapter

Awesome Rainbow Dash (To Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now