the mystery character part 3

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As I walked to the nurse office with the girls, I could feel all the student staring at us, especially me as I was carrying the new girl in my arms.

"Do you think she will be ok?" Fluttershy asked me.

"I really hope so, she got hurt pretty badly by that bully, if I see her again I'm having words with her," I said sternly

"If you have words with this bully though, please don't try to get in a fight with her, I know what it's like to be a bully" Sunset said as she hung her head in shame.

"Sunset, darling we have all forgiven you for that remember," Rarity said to Sunset with a smile

"I know, but what if someone tells the new girl what happened, she'll then hate me," Sunset said starting to panic

"It will be ok Sunset, if that does happen, we'll just explain what happened then and hopefully she'll understand," I said reassuring Sunset

She nodded "ok," she said giving us a small smile.

"And even if that does happen, and everyone hates you all over again, we still love you," Pinkie said

"Pinkie!" We all yelled at her

"Oopsie" Pinkie giggled nervously. "But at least I was right about one thing"

"About what" Fluttershy questioned pinkie

"That we still love sunset, we always will," Twilight said smiling at Sunset which calmed her down.

I knocked on the nurse office, hoping she wasn't busy, we all stood there nervously waiting.

After for what seems like an eternity (not really, it was just a couple of minutes lol).

She then answered the door, and seemed shocked to see all six of us there and that I was also carrying a girl in my arms.

She ushered us into the room, she indicated that I should put the girl on the I nodded, placing her on the bed carefully.

We all gave each other nervous glances, as the nurse tried calling her name but got no reply, she then started checking her heartbeat and injuries.

"How is she nurse," Fluttershy asked timidly

"Not good, her injuries are very severe, and she's also unconscious," the nurse told her.

"She is going to be alright isn't she," Sunset asked a look of fear in her eyes.

"I'm sure she will be ok, Sunset but it might take a while for her to wake up,"Twilight said trying to reassure her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Sunset then smiled at twilight and twilight then smiled back at twilight, at least Sunset was feeling better.

"Anyway twilight is right," the nurse told us all

We all stared at the nurse, confused what she meant, "about how sunset turned into an evil monster and tried to create her own teenage army" pinkie said

"Pinkie Pie!, I'm sure the nurse didn't mean that part" rarity said frowning at pinkie

"Oops sorry Sunset, I just got caught up in the moment" pinkie apologizing and handed a cupcake to sunset smiling at her.

"Thanks, Pinkie, I'm ok but I'm not really hungry," Sunset said smiling sadly to herself

"Who says no to food" pinkie said almost yelling

"It's only food pinkie," Fluttershy said commented

"Only food! Stay out of this Fluttershy" Pinkie raising her voice

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