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I gasped in shock at this sudden physical contact, as I don't like people who I don't know touch me

I froze...

It was the same girl from before...

I know this girl...

(And that's the end of the chapter for today, hope you enjoyed it)

Lol, I'm jk there's more :)

I looked at her, my eyes filled with terror, I don't know what she's going to do to me.

She looked at me a devious look in her eyes, she flicked her hair just to annoy me, she knows how to annoy me

(Just letting you guys know if you didn't understand this part, rainbow has already met this person already in the past)

"Oiii, new girl, who do you think you even are" she glared at me

I gulped nervously not sure what I'm going to say. I finally have the courage to say something

"What do you mean, I haven't done anything wrong," I said my voice cracking, I didn't look at her and kept my head down, hoping she didn't recognize me from a long time ago.

I moved away from her, and she suddenly grabbed me by my hoodie and gave me the death stare I was petrified, I started trembling

"Hey loser, I'm talking to you, know seeing as you're new I will give you some rules ok"

She looked at me as if she knew me, but just rolled her eyes so hopefully, she won't know it's me
I nodded hoping it won't be that bad

"First, no being friends with the popular girls, you will be doing my homework, and stay out of my way

"And why should I do what you say," I said confronting her and confused as to why I should listen to he

"Because you don't want to double-cross me, and if you don't do what I say, you'll regret it, now do you understand," she said with a fierce expression on her face

I nodded meekly, I hope I don't ever see her again.

"Good, glad we're clear," she said with a smug smile

She then cackled with laughter and flounced off, going over to her friends, I glanced over at her and I knew she was talking about me.

I hung my head in shame, then the bell rang, I sighed knowing this day is going to get a lot worse....


Hey guys, I hope you liked the chapter, I will now be updating regularly, sorry I haven't been updating

But anyway don't forget to vote and comment who you thought the mystery person is and how this person is linked to rainbow

I also want to thank Yoluplayz for this great idea

See you in the next chapter at stay awesome!

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