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Idea from Baileydash613- enjoy the chapter and please check out her books they're awesome just like she is :))))

RD pov

"So.... What's your pick then dashie" pinkie asked me rubbing her hands together and chuckling

I looked around and didn't know where I was for some reason

I noticed the girls were all looking at me which made me nervous

"What's wrong dash" shy asked me noticed my confused look

Then all the girls looked at me with concerned looks on their faces

"What's going on" I asked the girls

This question made the girls more confused

"Silly dashie we're playing truth or dare" pinkie giggled

I tried remembering back but I couldn't really remember anything

"Dash what do you remember" twilight said looking worried

"I'm not sure, but I know your names" I said

"Do you want me to tell you everything that happened-" pinkie taking a deep breath

"No!" All the girls yelled

"Oh bummer" pinkie said sadly

They all laughed and then looked at me again.

"So we're playing truth or dare and it was your turn do you think you'll be able to play" AJ asked me

I nodded my head hurting

"So take your pick truth or dare" pinkie said a mischievous look in her eyes

I sighed knowing I'm gonna have to pick one

"Truth" I said

Hey guys,

Sorry this chapter was so short today I'll probably give you another chapter later on today as I'm being weird making you wait till tomorrow

what pinkie will pick for dash??

Find out later on today in the next chapter

Stay awesome!

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