the past....

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(This chapter is gonna mainly be based on rainbow)

R.D pov
I woke up with a start my head hurt and I couldn't remember what happened earlier.

I hurt to even open my eyes, with all my effort I opened my eyes even though it killed me (not literally lol)

I looked around my surroundings to see where I was and all I saw was blue, I realized I was back in my bedroom but I wasn't exactly sure how.

I then heard some girls I don't even know who they are. This scared me as these strange girls where in my bedroom and they know where I live.

There was a girl with bouncy hair chasing another girl cos she wanted candy while the girl with purple curly hair was running away from. Honestly, it was pretty funny

Then two girls one with blonde hair and another with pink hair were giggling at them.

Then another two girls came in. How many girls are there I wondered. One had purple and pink hair in a high ponytail, and the other girl had red and yellow hair

Then the two girls who were laughing looked at the girls who just walked in and burst out laughing.

The two girls looked at each other with confused glances

"Are you laughing at me?" glasses said

"I don't think they are twilight, girls what happened," bacon hair said

"I wouldn't tell them, and stop laughing at us," said dramatic girl coming back into the bedroom with smiley

"If you won't tell them then I will," I said snapping at these girls

They all turned around to see who spoke then what they did scare me

"Rainbow," blondie said with a happy smile on her face

They all ran up to me which startled me the smiley girl the most excited.

Are you ok, when did you wake up, did you hear everything, can I eat your candy" smiley girl asking random questions excitedly

This only made me feel really overwhelmed by these questions and made my head hurt even more.

"Pinkie just let rainbow speak" bacon hair smiled at me

"Thanks but how do you know my name, who are you and how are you in my house" rainbow said a blank expression on her face

I noticed the girls had confused faces and all glanced at each other then at me which was kinda weird

"What do you mean," glasses said

"I've never met you, girls, in my life so how do you know where I live" I questioned the girls

Blondie was about to answer me but then smiley interrupted her

Well when we were in the car, you spoke to us told us your name then I asked if your hair was made of skittles, then you fell asleep then strike rang and we answered and we're having a sleepover, then we looked at your sketchbook and I tried to steal your candy but the girls wouldn't let me. That reminds me can I have your candy. Oh! Then I chased rarity around the house as she wouldn't give me any candy and A.J and flutters laughed at us and twilight wanted to know why then you said you were gonna tell them. Oh! Have you ever heard of a chimmy cherry, or what about a cherry changa oooh what about the two put together that would make the funniest word chimmycherrychanga doesn't it sound silly-" smiley giggled

Then blondie covered smiley mouth and tried to change the subject

"Well Anyway as you don't know our name will tell you, I'm applejack and this is Fluttershy, rarity, sunset, twilight and pinkie," applejack said

Awesome Rainbow Dash (To Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now