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Hey guys,
Good news! My notifications are working again. I'm so happy!!

So anyway I will be resuming my story tommorow, sorry can't today as I'm stressed out cos of what happened today

And I have more good news!!

So I put a post about me leaving and I made my decision...
*dramatic pause* (God I sound like Rarity lol)

I'm staying!!!
But I will see you tomorrow in the next chapter, today has been the worst.

One last thing I would like to thank a couple of people for helping me get through today I couldn't of done it without you


And also I want to wish, Pinkiepieaisyah the best of luck as she won't be on wattpad much now gonna miss you so much, hope you come back to wattpad soon.

Awesome Rainbow Dash (To Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now