the mystery character part 1

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A.J pov

I was walking around the school grounds with my friends Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Sunset

As we were walking around the grounds I noticed a girl on her own. She wore a light blue hoodie and was holding a sketchbook and was staring intently around her surroundings

She was all alone, I felt sad for her as she was sat by herself, but she seemed happy enough

I then noticed that she started looking at me, I give her a smile and waved at her, she then looked startled and looked away.

I then noticed a girl I really despised of, grabbed the girl by her hair and started screaming at her.

I was scared for the poor girl, she was shaking so much she could barely stand. I gasped in shock and covered my mouth with my hand.

My friends must have noticed there was something wrong, as they stopped what they were doing.

"Hey, what's wrong" pinkie said smiling at me.

All of my friends were all looking at me, I pointed over at the distance where that girl was physically attacking her.

My friends all looked over to where I was pointed to, and they started shrieking with horror.

She then slapped her right in the face, and the girl was covering her eye, and she wasn't looking too good

The girls all looked at me.

"This is dreadful, what are we gonna do," rarity said sobbing

"I'm gonna sort this once and for all," I said determination in my voice

"But you can't, you just make it worse" sunset said panic in her voice

"I don't care, I'm not going to let that girl get away with it, and no one is going to stop me" I snapped at them

They all looked at me in surprise, as I don't usually shout at my friends unless something is really annoying me.

"Ok, fine just make sure she's fine, if things get out of hands, let us know" Twilight said trying to remain calm even though she was also nervous herself.

I looked back at my friends quickly, and they all gave me nervous glances, I gave them a small smile and went to confront the bully.

I walked over to the bully attacking the poor girl, her breathing was very shallow and she was wobbling on her legs.

"Hey! Stop hurting her, she doesn't deserve that, so go away and leave her alone" I shouted at her

She backed away from the girl immediately, she then turned to me I could feel her getting angrier by the second.

"What did you just say to me, no one talks to me like that and gets away with it" she tried to sound tough but looked uneasy. Probably from the shock of someone talking back to her.

"Well someone should talk to you like that, your attitude stinks, you should be ashamed of yourself being mean to others, you don't know what they're  going through.

And I did just talk to you like that, so what are you gonna about it" I smirked at her

She looked speechless for a second, she had no comeback, no insults, she closed her eyes for a second, and regained her posture.

She then glared at me, I could see the anger in her eyes, I swallowed nervously but tried to stay calm but could feel the anger build up inside me.

"Stay out of this, just walk away or you'll be next" she warned me

"No! You're not going to hurt an innocent girl and get away with it" I yelled at her

She then punched the girl right in the stomach. I was so angry with that girl, she was gonna get what was coming to her

"Oh yeah, watch me" she grinned and flounced off laughing

I noticed the girl she had physically attacked was holding her head, her eyes were closed, and she was swaying trying to keep her balance.

I went up to her

"Hey, are you ok," I asked her, concerned for her.

I may not of known her, I think she was new to this school as I've never seen her before, I still felt bad for her getting hurt for no reason, no one deserves that.

She didn't say anything, then she fell to the ground, I quickly reacted and caught her, I gently placed her on the ground hoping she would be alright.


Hey guys, so as you all know that I can update again! So happy, writing is literally my whole life.

But you probably know who one of the mystery characters are, but not the other one, who do you think the bully is? Any guesses??

Youll probably has second thoughts now as Sunset wasn't picking on Rainbow.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you thought, and what you think might happen next.

All ideas welcome!

I will be doing a second part to this

And don't forget to vote too!

See you in the next chapter, and stay awesome!

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