Meeting the principal

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As I opened the principal door I was really nervous, I felt like I was going to puke or even faint (that only happens when it gets really bad)

"Don't worry Rainbow I will be here the entire time to help you until class starts, and then one of the students is going to help you while you're at school" strike comforted me.

I opened the door and was met by a woman she gave me a welcoming smile and I gave her a weak smile as I was still very nervous

She gestured for me to come in as I walked in I noticed her office was neat and tidy, everything in the office had it's own place

I sat nervously on one of the chairs in the office biting my nails (it's a habit I usually do when I'm nervous).

She asked me questions like "how old are you" and "do you struggle socially" I did the occasional nod looking down at the floor not saying much.

She asked me if I could leave the office for a minute, I nodded looking at strike "don't worry about me Rainbow, I just need to talk to your principal for a minute" smiling at me

I left the office waiting in the hall, and I sat on the floor I knew strike was probably telling the principal about my problems in my previous schools and my personal problems

I grabbed my sketchbook from my backpack inside my sketchbook was filled with drawings as I also liked to sketch as I helped calm me down sometimes.

I started drawing a beautiful sunset with my pencils, I would colour it in later on when I got home as I don't have my paints with me.

A couple of minutes later the principal came out with my uncle both of them smiling at me. She gave me a pat on the shoulder "you're always welcome in my office if you ever need to talk" she smiled

"Thanks miss?" I replied, she told me her name was principal celestial but I could call her celestial if I wanted I nodded liking that idea

Principal Celestia then handed me my schedule my lessons today were maths, English, science, art and physical education the last 2 were my favourite subjects

Strike then gave me a hug and told me that if I needed him to give him a call I gave him a hug and clung onto him and gave him the best smile I could manage

He then left the school, I felt so strange and out of place here Celestia took me to my first class which was maths, I started freaking out as I was really bad at maths and was scared what the others students would say about me....

Hey guys, I know this chapter was really bad but let me know in the comments what you thought? Don't forget to vote! And see you in the next chapter!

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