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An idea inspired by Emma70529

Enjoy :)

RD pov
I sat on the floor of the bathroom leaning my head against the wall and started crying to myself

I can't believe what just happened why did I just do that I covered my face with my hands feeling terrible for what I did

They are definitely going to hate me now I don't want to know what I'm going to do

I stood up trembling and walked over to the mirror I then gasped in shock

Hey, are you ok" a girl with red and yellow streaks in her hair.

I shook my head, then a hyper girl smiled excitedly "Hey what's with the screaming, I love screaming, can I scream too" she started shrieking with excitement.

"Pinkie, please stop with the screaming, shes obviously feeling overwhelmed," said a girl with pink and purple streaks in her hair

"Darling, are you ok, you don't look so good" a girl with purple hair which was very curly looked at me a worried look on her face.

"I- I- I'm fine," I told them

"You don't sound fine," said the girl with the pink and purple streaked hair"

"I'm just not very good with this many people" I admitted

"I get what you mean, I didn't know the first thing about making friends at first but I got there," said the girl with red and yellow streaked hair

"Hi there," said another girl she had blonde hair "my name is Applejack, this is Sunset, Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy," she said introducing her friends.

"What are you all doing here anyway, shouldn't you all be in the lesson," I said looking at them suspiciously.

I then noticed they all glanced at each other, with worried expressions on their faces.

"Well yeah, we should be, but I was there when you got hurt, and me and my friends took you to the nurse office.

"Do you remember anything that happened?" Fluttershy asked.

"Most of it was a blur, but I remember a girl shouting at the bully," I told the girls.

"Where did that girl go anyway," I asked looking around cautiously"

"She left when you started crying, the nurse made her leave" Twilight explained

"Look I appreciate the help, really but you might as well go," I said looking down.

"Why," Fluttershy said quietly

"You wouldn't understand, I made a deal with someone so it's best you go, I don't want to drag you all into this," I said sighing.

"Try us," Applejack said not budging

"I'm not allowed to go near any of you, that girl said so, if I don't do as she said she'll make my life miserable," I said

"Well that's not right, and anyway we're going to help," said Applejack

"But why are you helping me, you don't even know me," I said confused.
Huh," I said taking off my headphones, confused as I didn't hear her.

"I said that we didn't actually know your name yet," Applejack said.

"Oh, yeah" I replied in a deflated and flat voice.

"Yeah what's your name, you know our names," Sunset asked

"It's Rainbow Dash," I said quietly but loud enough so they could hear.

"That's a really nice name," Fluttershy said smiling at me.

"Why are you called Rainbow Dash" Twilight questioned me.

I closed my eyes, and put my hood down, revealing my rainbow coloured hair.

"Wow that is so cool, is it your real hair colour or dyed," asked Pinkie jumping up and down in her seat buzzing with excitement.

"It's my real hair colour, I was born with it," I said looking at everyone nervously, worried that they may tease my hair colour.

But they didn't tease me at all, they all smiled at me encouragingly.

"Hey, what's wrong, you seem upset" Applejack looked at me with a worried expression on her face.

"It's just... I used to get teased for the colour of my hair, and I got bullied a lot too, so I guess I'm used to hiding my hair and staying away from others, but really I'm ok" giving them a slight smile.

"But anyway, enough about me, what about you guys," I said trying to change the subject, as I didn't want to get into the emotional stuff right now"

"Fine, but you're telling us later, right girls" Applejack looking at me.

End of flashback

I looked at the razor in my hand maybe I should I want to do this I need it, I deserve the pain

Do it just one cut

I can't listen to my mind I'm stronger than that

You deserve the pain, you'll feel so much better

I couldn't do it, I felt tears streaming down my face as I cut myself the blood leaking down my arm I sobbed as I did it

Put the razor down

Hey guys I know this is a pretty short chapter but I did say I would update again so here it is

My wifi will be cut off tomorrow which is an hour and a half from now so that's why I've done an update

Have a great day/night

Stay awesome


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