please talk to me...

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Hey guys so before I begin I just want to do a shoutout for a few people

epurrier - new chapter, especially for you, hope you like it

Emma70529 - gave some amazing ideas so enjoy

Now onto the chapter :)

AJ pov

"So what is it Sunset, you obviously have something to tell us," I said folding my arms and waiting

"So I've got something to show you girls we'll show Dash in a minute I just need to let you girls know what's happening first,"Sunset said

"What is it" Shy said looking nervous

Sunset then went into her pocket and pulled it out and we all gasped in shock

"Are you sure it's a good idea Sunset, " Twi asked sunset

"I don't care if it's a good idea it's stunning," Rarity said looking at it in awe

"Oooooh sparkly" Pinkie squealed trying to grab it

"Ummm girls..." Shy said quietly

"Pinkie, stop touching it," Sunset said trying stop Pinkie as she grabbed it

"Girls?" Shy said a bit louder

"Pinkie, you might damage it we need that remember" Sunset warned Pinkie


Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to look at Shy

"What is it shy," Twi asked

"Ummm the door is jammed I can't open it I think we're stuck in here," shy said quietly but loud enough for us to hear

We all gasped as the other tried opening the door but it didn't budge at all

"Dash, are you there," Shy said from the door

"Yes," Dash said in a quiet voice

"The door seems to be stuck do you have a key to let us out," I asked hoping she does

"Yeah I do but I'm not letting you guys out you're lying to me about this 'magic' business and you won't leave me alone," Dash said I could hear the pain in her voice and it broke my heart to hear her upset

"Dash, that isn't true" Sunset protested trying to convince Dash

"Yeah right, you probably don't have powers you think I'm stupid don't you" she shouted from the door I knew she doesn't believe us but I wouldn't believe it if I was her either

"Sugarcube, of course, we don't think you're stupid," I said to her through the door in a calm voice

"Well I don't believe you and you're not getting out," she told us

"Do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?" I said to her I said trying to stay calm as I don't want to scare her

"None cos I'm going good luck getting out" she cried I heard the fear in her voice and I heard her run away from the door
(Still AJ pov)

"Well that just happened," I said sighing to myself

"She did sound really upset" Shy pointed out

"So how are we possibly going to get out" Rarity asked

"The windows are too small for an escape," Twi said examining the windows

Awesome Rainbow Dash (To Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now