a feeling....

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Chapter dedicated to abi53312 - she's a big inspiration as her book is amazing so go check it out!

Enjoy :)

We all followed sunset into the room I walked in last, as I was about to walk in I noticed dash looking at me with a worried expression

Then she realised I was looking at her so she started smiling I knew that something was up as that was clearly a fake smile

I gave her a reassuring smile before going into the room with the girls but had a gut feeling something bad is going to happen....

Hey guys so I finally updated a chapter! A week later! Youre probably fed up of me not updating recently but I have been busy with life recently but I'll try and update again regularly but no one is going to read this authors note anyway....

But stay awesome and see you in the next chapter

Awesome Rainbow Dash (To Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now