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R.D pov

"Truth," I said knowing this isn't going to end well

"Hmmm... Interesting choice dashie very interesting" Pinkie said with a devious look in her eyes as she rubbed her hands together thinking of a truth for me

I nervously waited for the dreadful question pinkie would ask me

"Dashie...." Pinkie said her eyes wide with excitement

I noticed all the girls all glaring at pinkie with a don't-you-dare- look in their eyes

Pinkie then giggled nervously and then looked at me as I awaited my fate...

"I want to know why......

You live with your uncle

That's the end of today chapter you may get two chapters tomorrow to make up for all the chapters you haven't had for a while

😱😱😱😱😱 that was a terrible truth pinkie

Will dash tell the truth or not

Find out in tomorrow chapter.....

Lol I'm so mean 😂😂😂


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