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✧・゚: 𝔠𝔬𝔠𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔢, 𝔠𝔬𝔠𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔢, 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔠𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔢!

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✧・゚: 𝔠𝔬𝔠𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔢, 𝔠𝔬𝔠𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔢, 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔠𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔢!


Noëlle's TV watching experience was abruptly interrupted by Leah's constant sniffing which was coming from the kitchen. The blonde sank back into her couch further with her arms crossed over her chest and tried to drown out the sound of Leah's ecstasy-filled, moan-like sounds while she slipped under the influence of blow.

Ignoring the dirty blonde's drug escapade was easier said than done because along with the sound of sheer enjoyment and snorting, came the sound of the record player in the kitchen blasting Queens of Noise.

Noëlle sat up on the couch and incredulously looked in Leah's direction. The blonde was anything but amused by her friend dancing around the kitchen all coked up, pretending to be a rockstar. Noëlle's jaw clenched slightly and she semi-aggressively turned the television off.

By the time Noëlle got up from the couch, the record player was now playing Take It Or Leave It and Noëlle had just about enough of seeing Leah Olson dancing sexually and channeling her inner Cherie Currie. Noëlle walked over towards the record player and shut it off right in the middle of Lita Ford's guitar solo.

"Hey! What gives?" Leah exclaimed as she wiped off the excess cocaine from around her nose. The dirty blonde was trying her best to stand up straight, but the amount of drugs she had ingested were causing her to lean on the counter with one hand to support herself.

Noëlle could already tell that Leah was coked out of her mind and she wasn't necessarily angry with Leah as a person. It was more like her recent personality. Ever since Leah had started snorting generous amounts of cocaine, she had become super frustrating.

"You're being obnoxious, Leah. Tone it down before you get us evicted," Noëlle chastised her friend like she was a toddler. But at this point, having a normal, coherent conversation with Leah was impossible due to the drug clouding her brain.

"Oh, of course! It's time for that game again. Let's give Leah shit about something completely unimportant. Give it to me, baby doll! You pull this shit every fucking month, so just get it over with!" Leah suddenly shouted which caught Noëlle off guard a little.

The cocaine obviously had a lot to do with the outburst. Leah didn't hesitate to turn the record player back on and pick off where the record was stopped. The dirty blonde started slowly shaking her hips while still holding onto the countertop for dear life. Leah looked awful, her skin was almost pale which was quite a contrast to her normal sun-kissed look. The eye bags under her eyes were prominent and they had a blue-ish tint to them.

"You always bring your drugs into my apartment. Why can't you just do it in your bathroom? Scared to OD by yourself? Do you need someone to hold your hand while you kill yourself with the amount of coke you put in your body? If that's the case, go for it. Choke on your precious blow for all I care!" Noëlle raged as she started to reach for the record player again, only to have Leah stumble over and stop her from turning it off.

The blonde's hand twitched and she had never had such an urge to hit someone until now. Leah was so aggravating whilst on cocaine. Of course, the dirty blonde couldn't help it. Leah definitely needed to go and get professional help concerning her addiction, but right now Noëlle had different things to worry about. Like not smacking Leah.

"Can't hear you! The music's too loud," Leah raised her voice while pointing to her right ear to signal that she wasn't hearing Noëlle's sharp voice. Of course, it was utter bullshit. Leah heard everything, she just didn't care enough to deal with it in her current state of mind.

"You are so ignorant, Leah! It's always about you, every single time. Did your parents not give you enough attention when you were younger?"

"Still can't hear you!" Leah yelled back with a lazy smirk on her face. Her pupils were way too dilated and Noëlle hadn't seen a single person this fucked up on cocaine. It was pretty frightening.

"Turn your stupid music off! I told you I don't want you blasting that type of music in my home! I'm going to get kicked out because of you," Noëlle retorted and desperately reached for the record player again, only to get pushed away lightly by Leah. The blonde rolled her eyes and put a finger on the bridge of her nose. Leah was acting like a child. A fucking child.

"What? You're telling me that you're not a fan of rock n' roll? You hypocrite! Let me remind you that you used to work with a rock group," Leah cackled and leaned her head back to look up at the ceiling of the kitchen. Noëlle's heart thumped at the mention of Mötley Crüe.

She hadn't personally heard that name since about three years ago when she got kicked off the tour. Since then, Noëlle made sure to stay away from all Mötley Crüe related news and even the band's name itself. Until now. Leah didn't give a fuck right now about anything, so it didn't surprise Noëlle that she would start digging up old, painful memories.

"I still work with them! They're just taking a break from using my designs?" Noëlle tried to stay strong while she said that. In the back of her mind, however, played a completely different answer.

Noëlle still didn't know if she was fired or not because the band hadn't contacted her for any business reasons. She had gotten a few calls from Mick and Vince to make sure that she was doing good. One time she had even gotten a call from Nikki, but that was as much interaction she had with the band. Tommy didn't try to contact her. Not even once.

"Is that seriously what you call it to make yourself feel better? Face it, Noëlle, you got fired. Your little dreams have been crushed and it's all your fault," Leah slurred her words as she slightly sniffled and wiped her runny nose with the back of her hand. Noëlle stared at the girl with wide eyes while a tiny gasp left her mouth.

"My fault?"

"Did I fuck the bassist? Did I betray the drummer? Did I get us kicked off the fucking tour? That tour was a big deal for me," Leah affirmed while the loud music continued to shake the walls of the apartment. Leah was now leaning her whole body against the counter as a means to support herself even more.

"Really? Care to explain what you would've done if we stayed? Spread your legs for more people? You know, you're no better than those groupies," Noëlle scoffed as she started to retreat towards her bedroom in order to relax and cry. Whichever came first. Noëlle just needed some personal space.

"Yeah, fuck you! Walk away. Go ahead and walk away. See i-if I care," Leah stuttered and her voice started fading away.

When Noëlle heard a loud thump behind her, she instantly turned around. The blonde was faced with Leah lying on the kitchen floor, completely passed out from all the drugs. Noëlle sighed and made her way back towards Leah so she could gather her collapsed friend and bring her over to the couch. Noëlle prayed that Leah would be better by tomorrow.

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