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✧・゚: 𝔱𝔬𝔪𝔪𝔶'𝔰 𝔤𝔦𝔯𝔩!

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✧・゚: 𝔱𝔬𝔪𝔪𝔶'𝔰 𝔤𝔦𝔯𝔩!

Noëlle sat on Tommy's bed with a smile on her face as her hand was tangled in the drummer's hair. Tommy's head was in Noëlle's lap and the two just stayed silent as they enjoyed each other's company. No actual words were exchanged since they had left the shower, but it was mutually agreed upon that the silence was enough. It wasn't awkward at all.

The blonde guessed that Leah was probably worried about her whereabouts since she hadn't contacted Leah in almost twenty-four hours. Or maybe it was more than that. Noëlle had honestly lost track of time with all that happened. She was sure that Leah was freaking out, but those thoughts were ignored for now. All Noëlle cared about right now was how Tommy could get his hair to be so soft.

"You better not fall asleep on me again," Noëlle interrupted the silence as she felt Tommy slightly drooling on her naked thigh. The drummer's eyes opened and his hand which was resting on Noëlle's thigh squeezed down on the tender flesh and the blonde yelped a little from the action. There was still a smile on Noëlle's face though. She loved having Tommy's hands on her body.

"I was just about to," Tommy stated although Noëlle could feel him smirking against her thigh. The blonde extracted her hand from Tommy's luscious hair and instead moved the hair away that was covering the side of Tommy's face from her view. And as she did, she could see the little, stupid smirk.

"Well, don't. I need to get home soon," Noëlle affirmed as she chuckled, but she was also half-serious. She had a somewhat nice apartment to get back to. Granted, she would've been happier if she could spend every day in Tommy's beautiful home.

"Just sleep over. If you're worried about Leah then just call her and tell her that you're never coming back home," Tommy jokingly said as he started to sit up and sit by Noëlle's outstretched legs. The drummer sent the girl a wink and of course, Noëlle looked down at her lap for a second as she tried to cover her blushing face.

"This is probably the nicest kidnapping ever. And while I'm flattered, I have an apartment, Tommy. I'm paying rent and I'd be wasting money if I was staying here."

"Move in then," Tommy shot back without any hesitation whatsoever. The girl picked her head back up and looked at Tommy with a semi-concerned look. The proposition was very sudden indeed, but that was just how Tommy lived life. He made spontaneous decisions that most people would have a problem with.

"You can't be serious. We're not dating. I don't even know what our relationship is," Noëlle admitted with some disappointment. Her heart was beating extremely fast from the hopes that Tommy would put a label on their relationship and lucky for Noëlle, he did. Kind of.

"Then be my girlfriend," Tommy blurted out with utmost confidence, and Noëlle was very taken aback, but not surprised. Again, Tommy had a reputation for doing things his way. It actually made Noëlle want to smile at his words, but out of respect, she didn't.

"That sounds more like a demand than a question. I don't know, Tommy," Noëlle slightly teased the drummer. Her eyes drifted around the room to seem like she was debating the whole "girlfriend thing." In reality, she was already planning on being his girlfriend no matter what.

"When I first met you, I immediately thought that you were fucking gorgeous. At first, I thought that you hated me or something, but I really wanted to be around you because you were different than other girls," Tommy avowed and his voice brought Noëlle's attention back to him. The girl was already starting to turn a crimson shade, however, this time she didn't care. "I know I fucked up a lot and I'm an idiot, but it would mean so much if you'd be my girl. How 'bout it?"

"Before I say "yes," just know that I liked you way more than you liked me," Noëlle laughed a little as she told Tommy that piece of information. The drummer grabbed Noëlle's ankles and dragged her down the bed. A tiny screech emitted from the girl and before she knew it, Tommy was hovering over her with a smug grin.

"It's not a competition," Tommy said as he stared down at the girl. Noëlle reached her hands up and took Tommy's face in them. The girl's thumbs caressed Tommy's cheeks carefully.

"Shut up," Noëlle calmly declared much to Tommy's dismay. He thought there would be some romantic moment between them, but apparently, Noëlle had other plans.

"What? Did I hear that correctly?"

"Yeah, you did," Noëlle's chuckle was cut short by Tommy leaning down and planting his lips on Noëlle's. They may not have been the stereotypical, picture-perfect couple, but they were going to make it work.

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