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✧・゚: 𝔬𝔭𝔢𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔲𝔭!

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✧・゚: 𝔬𝔭𝔢𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔲𝔭!

The sun had finally set and all that was left for Tommy to do was go upstairs and try to talk to Noëlle and get her to open up about her feelings. The drummer ascended the stairs and by the time he made it up to the shared bedroom, Tommy realized that he didn't prepare what he was going to say. Then again, he thought it might be better to just let the words flow naturally.

Right when Tommy was about to knock on the bedroom door, the blonde girl opened the door and the couple was left staring at each other with equally shocked expressions. Truthfully, neither of them had seen each other's faces up close in so long. It was like looking at a stranger.

The drummer began to take in Noëlle's gorgeous face. The natural rosy color on her cheeks and the mesmerizing ocean eyes she had. Noëlle did the exact same with Tommy. She had missed his beautifully carved face and fluffy hair. God, she missed brushing her fingers through it.

"Hey," The two of them greeted each other at the same time and even though they knew each other through and through, something about actually looking at each other made the situation a little awkward.

"We need to, like, talk," Tommy began and watched as Noëlle nodded without hesitation. So apparently, the girl wanted to come to terms with what happened. Tommy was very pleased about that. That meant he wouldn't need to pry about how Noëlle was feeling.

"Definitely. Come on, let's sit down."

Noëlle gently grabbed Tommy's hand in hers and led him over to their shared king-size bed. The blonde decided to climb onto the bed and pat the spot on the mattress beside her as a way to tell Tommy to sit next to her.

Tommy did what Noëlle wanted and when he did, Noëlle leaned her head on Tommy's shoulder and interlaced her hand with his. This was by far the most physical contact they had in a while, but the drummer didn't mind one bit.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you and making you feel like I don't love you anymore. I'm just having a hard time. I feel like it's my fault it happened you know. I was too busy being selfish and living it up," Noëlle blurted out and she could already feel the tears gathering in her eyes again. She didn't want to cry. Not right now. It was really difficult not to though. Whenever she thought about Leah, the tears just came flowing out of her eyes like a broken faucet.

"But it's not your fault, babe. No one knew it was gonna happen," Tommy truthfully admitted. He was so right, but Noëlle still felt guilty about spending her days living her newly found lavish lifestyle while Leah was going through God knows what. "And you didn't make me feel like you didn't love me. I get it. Losing someone fucking sucks."

"I never even got to tell her how much I appreciate her. Leah's just gone and she's never coming back."

Thinking about it, Noëlle let a quiet sob but once again, the girl remained composed because she wasn't helping anyone by crying. Noëlle felt Tommy kiss her temple and then place his head against hers. Noëlle inhaled and exhaled deeply and felt a warmth inside her body at the cute gesture.

"I think Leah knew how much she meant to you. Like a month ago when you weren't home, Leah came over and we just talked. You know what she told me?" Tommy asked and felt Noëlle shake her head a bit. The blonde was dumbfounded that Leah came over to talk to Tommy. "She told me that you're too good to her and that you made her feel like she was so much better than she actually was."

This was the first time Noëlle was hearing all this. And hearing it from Tommy made her realize that Leah wasn't as confident as she was letting on. The blonde was now seeing Leah as this insecure little girl, which totally made sense. Leah Olson definitely put on a great show to cover up her true feelings. Noëlle just wished she could've gotten to know the "real" Leah sooner.

"Tommy?" Noëlle suddenly spoke up after seconds of silence and caught Tommy's attention with her small voice. "I want to do something nice in memory of her."

"Like what?"

"I want to get a tattoo," Noëlle declared while she stared at the inside of her left wrist. She deemed that to be an amazing place for the tattoo. The blonde had no clue what to get tattooed onto her skin, but she knew that with time inspiration would strike her.

"Seriously? You want a tattoo?" Tommy quite literally shouted and Noëlle silently giggled at truly how astounded Tommy was. The blonde thought it was cute to see him like this. Honestly, the drummer was kind of proud that his girl wanted to get a tattoo.

"What's so weird about that?"

"Nothing. I just never expected you of all people to want a tattoo. I must be a real bad influence on you, but fuck it, I can take you to the tattoo place I go to," Tommy suggested and Noëlle immediately agreed. Of course, she would still need to think of a design to honor Leah, but there was no way she was backing out of this now. Noëlle was going to do this for her late best friend.

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