Chapter 3: Crybaby

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"Dude back off!" Lisa said as she pushes Kai and punches him without any hesitation.

"Lisa no!" Jennie tried to pull her but Lisa is determined enough to beat the hell out of Kai.

She sat on top of Kai while she's giving him a continuous blow at his face. The latter isn't fighting back and just tried to cover his face and dodge every punch as much as possible.

"You never change Kai!" Lisa said with gritted teeth. Kai's face is now bleeding a lot because of the hard punches he received from Lisa.

"Lisa no, it's not what you think." Jennie tried all her best to pull Lisa.

The scene gets the guards' attention. They pull Lisa and Kai away from each other even if it's just really Lisa whom they need to stop.

"It's your mistake that you show up again," Lisa said while trying to release the grip of the guards who are holding both of her wrists.

"N-No, y-you misunderstand it. I'm no harm I'm just—"


"Lisa please, it's not what you think, I just—" Jennie went in front of Lisa to calm her down but the latter's eyes are focused on Kai.

"No! Let me make him stay away from you permanently!" Lisa cut her off.

"Lisa no. I just help her because she slipped—"


"I... I just help—"

"Kai please just shut up!" Jennie shouted at him that made him back away.

"Just leave now. Your job is done here, please... Leave." Jennie said in her firm and serious voice.

The guards that are holding Kai set him free. Kai bowed his head before he turned his back from them and walk away. They watch him until he drives away with his car.

Lisa pulled back her hands from the guards aggressively then walk back to her car.

"Lisa!" Jennie called her but Lisa didn't stop nor look at her.

"Lisa wait!" Jennie pushes Lisa's car door when the latter is about to open it.

"Please hear me out first?" Jennie said then lean at the car.

"I know you didn't do anything wrong," Lisa said, still serious and stern.

"Don't you want to know why he's here?" Jennie asked.

"To ruin our relationship and make a move to you again. Now... Get in the car." Lisa said and was about to open the door again when Jennie pushed it.

"He's my new secretary that the company gave. You know? No secretaries are lasting more than one week to me." Jennie said while looking at Lisa's eyes but the latter is just looking at the door handle.

"Of all people... Why does it have to be him?" Lisa asked then sigh.

"Lili..." Jennie called her in her soft and gentle voice then wrap her arms around Lisa's neck.

"You think I chose this? Do you think I want this too? You know how I hate him too, right? He caused a lot of problems to us before that almost made us break up but look... We're still together. I'm still yours and you're still mine. It's just the same as before... Him, coming in the picture and making us argue and fight over him again and again? Just like what's happening now... Look, you're mad again." Jennie said then pouted.

Lisa closed her eyes then release a deep sigh. She slid her hands around Jennie's waist then kiss the tip of her nose.

"You're right. I'm sorry." Lisa said. Jennie just smiled at her then tiptoed to kiss her lips. It's not aggressive or lustful but just gentle and soft to show her love.

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