Chapter 17: Company(2)

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"You guys should handle your company, I can take care of myself here," Lisa said to Rosé and Jisoo. They arrived earlier than the plan.

"We just finished what we have to finish. That's fine and we also knew that you're not eating nor sleeping" Rosé said as she rolled her eyes.

They successfully make Lisa eat when they arrived and of course... Lisa doesn't have a choice but to follow her friends.

"The gang will follow after their works and don't worry... You can't do anything to stop them so no need to waste time" Jisoo said teasingly and Lisa just rolled her eyes too.

"How about Joohyun?" Lisa asked after she drank water.

"She asked uncle if she can be transferred here" Jisoo answered.

"That stubborn woman," Lisa said while shaking her head.

"You're stubborn too. You guys have chemistry" Rosé said that made Lisa look at her ridiculously.

"She's right. Just marry Irene unnie" Jisoo said, half-joke, half meant then laugh together with Rosé.

"You guys are crazy," Lisa said then continued eating.

After a while, Jisoo spoke again.

"Did you visit your parents' house? Where are you staying?" She asked Lisa.

"I didn't. If I step inside our house, I'll just remember our memories there so it's either I stay here or at the company... Besides... I just arrived here yesterday" Lisa answered.

"Great! 'Cause, we're staying at Bae's mansion here in Thailand. The gang will also be there when they arrived so you don't have a choice but to come with us" Jisoo said.

"How about Joohyun?"

"She'll also stay there. She doesn't want to stay at the hospital so the hospital is the one who's going to stay at her" Rosé answered.

"W-What?" Lisa asked.

"Personal doctors Lisa. Personal doctors" Rosé said in a 'duh' tone.

"Tss. I know that. Your statement is just weird" Lisa fired back.

"It's your mind who's weird. Don't blame my statement" Rosé defends.

Lisa was about to answer when her phone rang. She excused herself then went outside to answer the call.

"Hello?" She answered.

"We tried to find Jennie Kim's flight details along with Korea but we found none, ma'am. It looks like someone deleted it... It's maybe her family or Jennie Kim itself. Or if not... She maybe didn't leave Korea"

"Track her phone or anything. Check the CCTVs at Kim's company if possible. Check her address in Seoul... Everything! Just track her!" Lisa frustratedly said.

"But that's illegal ma'am"

"I don't care! Just do it!"

"But ma'am... I... I can't. I don't want to end up in jail"

"Fuck this! Do it or find another job!"


"Leave the company! I don't want to hear anything from you from now on! You're fired!" And Lisa ended the call.

She's desperately frustrated. She needs to find Jennie.

"Lisa? Is there any problem? What's wrong?" Rosé suddenly asked behind her.

Lisa turned around and saw Jisoo and Rosé looking at her worriedly.

"N-Nothing. It's nothing to worry about" Lisa said then flashed her best smile to her friends.

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