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Walking down the aisle, Irene is not just wearing her beautiful white wedding gown but also her smile that shows everything she wants everyone to see.

Contentment. Forgiveness. Joy. Love.

Everyone watches her in awe while smiling warmly as they show how happy they are for the future ahead of her and Lisa.

Everyone is happy for them, especially those who witnessed how their love story began and happened.

The cold wind brushes through their skin giving calming and peaceful vibes around, highlighting the sweet and lovely voices of their friends, Rosé who's playing guitar, and Wendy who's playing piano while they're both harmonizing to the song they're singing.

"I know she's in good hands and I trust you with her life, Lisa." Mr. Bae said as soon as he and Irene reached Lisa's place in front of the altar.

The latter was screaming inside because of how excited and happy she was. She can shout, she can jump, she can do anything but for her, it's still not enough to express how thankful and happy she is.

"Thank you, Dad," Lisa said then hugged Mr. Bae and shut her eyes closed to stop the tears that wanted to escape because of too much happiness.

After they broke the hug, Lisa offered her hand to Irene which the latter gladly took.

"I know you're beautiful but your beauty bloomed more today," Lisa whispered while they were making their way to their respective places.

"You're not bad yourself," Irene said while giggling.

As the ceremony started and the priest asked if someone was against the wedding which thankfully was no one, Lisa was stealing glances at Irene from time to time as she couldn't still believe that they were now getting married. After everything that happened... They still end up together.

When Irene noticed that Lisa was looking at her, she mouthed an 'I love you' that made Lisa's smile grow wider than it already was before mouthing 'I love you too'.

The ceremony went on and when they were already going to give their vows, they stood up and Lisa got the mic before looking at Irene lovingly.

"No words can describe how happy I am right now. No words can describe how much I feel for you and no words can describe how thankful I am but I'll show it for the rest of our lives by making you feel just how much I love you and how much I treasure you. I'll treat you the way you deserve, I'll make sure to make you happy for the rest of your life, I'll make sure to perform my duty well being your wife and I'll make sure to love you every second and every blink of your eye. I really really love you my Joohyun and I promise that I'll stay by your side no matter what happens. I'll be your shoulder to cry on, I'll be your pillow when you can't sleep, I'll be your feet when you feel weak, I'll be your strength when you feel down and I'll forever be yours. I can't give you the world, I can't fly you to the moon but I can be your world and I can be the moon in your darkest night. I'm all yours my Joohyun." Lisa said that almost made Irene kneel in front of her because of so much crying.

Irene can't contain her happiness, Lisa's all she needs to live and nothing more. She's just loved her from a distance before... And now, they're getting married.

Lisa put the ring around Irene's finger and then handed her the mic. She wipes Irene's tears carefully before nodding her head, encouraging her to speak.

"Lisa..." Irene said breathlessly. "I do." She said that made the guests, the priest, and Lisa herself laugh.

"Just like you... I'm very very thankful that this day came, I can't believe it and it still feels surreal for me. Yesterday I was just loving you secretly and today you're going to be my wife... I never expected this because I know... Everybody knows that you'll end up with your first love and now... It's like I'm daydreaming because everything went fast. You're the best gift that I received in my whole life and I promise to take care of you until my very last breath. I will cherish every moment with you Lisa, I really don't know how to describe it anymore but I really really do love you." Irene said then put the ring around Lisa's finger while crying. She was about to wipe it but Lisa beat her to it.

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